Dec 22, 2016
by Ed Cruzan
White Cloud SDB Church, MI
It all began at a meeting of the Church of God of Michigan in their state conference held in White Cloud, MI, September 27-30, 1917. There was a celebration at that time when the Church of God delegates voted to “thereafter be known as Seventh Day Baptists.” Rev. D. Burdett Coon, from the Battle Creek Seventh Day Baptist Church, in his October 29, 1917, Sabbath Recorder article, described it this way: “It would have done your heart good to see that people stand on their feet for the adoption of the resolution.”
Well, nearly 100 years have passed since that celebration and through the providence of God, the Church is planning on celebrating its 100th anniversary in September of 2017!
Preliminary plans have been underway for some six months now as we look forward to this upcoming celebration. Webster’s dictionary defines “celebrate” in several ways. The definition we most frequently think of is, “to mark a happy occasion by engaging in some pleasurable activity.” We certainly are planning on doing this!
We are seeking to coordinate the celebration with the annual White Cloud Train Town celebration which is usually held on the last weekend of September. (The date of September 29-30 has yet to be confirmed.) In addition to the obligatory food, we are hoping to have some give-aways, conduct historical tours of the church and include some narrative vignettes.
Webster’s dictionary also defines “celebrate”: “to solemnize publicly”, that is, “to perform something sacred in character.” Dr. Coon, in concluding his Sabbath Recorder article, said, “But with this increased joy and opportunity there is increased responsibility. Let us stay in deep humility at the foot of the Cross, trusting God for the leading of His Spirit all our doings.”
We hope to celebrate in both ways!
We invite anyone who has a favorite memory over these past 100 years to share them with us and we invite everyone to come join in this celebration.