May 22, 2017
by WF General Secretary, Andrew Samuels
The Seventh Day Baptist World Federation is scheduled to meet next in 2022 in North America. From now until then, what will be and should be our focus? In my humble role as General Secretary, let me suggest that we all work towards the development of healthy SDB Conferences around the world, led by healthy spiritual leaders. So, as I have opportunity over the next five years, I aim to challenge our member Conferences to:

New Officers form the Executive Committee (from left) Karen Umana, Recording Secretary, Douglas Machado, Vice President South America; Andrew Samuels, General Secretary; Garfield Miller, Treasurer; Claudia Ferguson, Vice President Caribbean; Canaan Phiri, Vice President Africa; John Pethtel, Vice President North America; Jonas Sommer, President; Michael Spearl, Assistant General Secretary. Not pictured, Al Paypa, Vice President Asia.
Harmony – Some of our Conferences are experiencing unhealthy conflict and tension. Let’s work hard at resolving those.
Education – In general, education is an appealing value. In a spiritual sense, it is even more valuable. Our people must be educated Biblically, so that we are reaping the benefits of what God’s Word intends for us to have. This education should include training and equipping for all areas of ministry.
Accountability – In the area of stewardship, we are called to be good managers of what has been entrusted to us. Being good stewards of all our resources – time, talents, treasure – is pleasing to God, the Supreme Owner. Proper systems of accountability enhance our usefulness.
Leadership – Everything rises and falls on leadership. When God wants to do something great, He usually first raises up a leader or leaders. That’s a good model. The development of Godly healthy leaders must be a non-negotiable priority for our Conferences, incorporating principles of management and administration.
Theology – Our belief about God and His salvation are paramount. A healthy theology of everything concerning our great God must be understood, embraced, and lived in front of the world. Thankfully, God has given to us His Word which informs our theology. A healthy understanding of absolutes and non-absolutes when it comes to our beliefs is important.
Healing – There is hurt and pain of all stripes in all of our Conferences. May we foster and cultivate communities of healing and restoration so that people can know the difference between us and the world.
Let us all do our part to make our Conferences healthy over the next five years.