There is nothing in scripture commanding us to celebrate Christmas. You can take it or leave it. You can take or leave any part of it. By Levi Bond Come to another time and place with me… Imagine you are a member of a tribe on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean. Your tribe has had very little contact with the outside world for several...
Why Celebrate Christmas?

Nov 26, 2018
By Jasmine Lynch I love celebrations: birthdays, anniversaries, Thanksgiving, graduations, Resurrection Sabbath, Veterans Day, Labor Day, Dr. Martin Luther Kings Day—but I do not celebrate Christmas and Easter because of their pagan origin. The birth of Jesus was predicted from Creation (Genesis 3:15) that He would be the seed of a woman. Throughout Bible...
Christmas is OPPORTUNITY for Christians
Jesus is the perfect gift given to us. It’s up to us to choose how we will receive this gift, how we will celebrate it, and how we will share it with others. By Pastor Scott Hausrath A season of opportunities is the Christmas season. Every year our society hands us some wonderful opportunities to glorify Autumn is one of my favorite times of the...
Pro and Con: Whether to Celebrate Christmas or NOT, My Personal Beliefs as Christ Follower
by Cheri Appel PRO: An Opportunity to Witness Here in North America, and in other countries, this is a time when many families gather. Memories are made. Cultural foods and activities are enjoyed. Traditions are passed from one generation to another. Family stories are retold. One’s heritage is remembered, along with family members of the past. When these...
Christmas is a Time to Remember God’s Gift to Us
By Sarina Villalpando Maranatha Community Church, Colton, CA Christmas is a time to remember God’s gift to us—the birth of Christ. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” —John 3:16 NIV God gave us the best gift we could ever receive, the most beautiful...