by Tim Challies I have asked Tim Challies about sharing his blog from February 2017. I have found it very profound and needed in today’s “touchy/feely” “say-whatever-you-want” society. His article is too long for one of our SR articles so I have done my best to condense it. For the full blog go to...
Proverbs 31…Worthy or Not?

Jan 23, 2018
by Katrina Goodrich She is everywhere, seemingly a part of every Christian conversation about dating and marriage. She is the Christian version of a supermodel: women want to be her and men want to marry her. The “Proverbs 31 woman.” To be clear there is absolutely nothing amiss with utilizing Proverbs 31 to teach and learn about what being a...
The Church’s Response to Mental Illness
Barb Green, Parish Nurse Milton, WI Our health focus for 2017 has been on mental illness. In Milton this has been done through newsletter articles, bulletin board items, and Back Door posters. In September, we started a Grow Group discussion class titled “Mental Illness is Not a Choice.” We viewed videos, heard guest speakers and are...
The Lord’s Prayer: Deliver Us From Evil…
10th in a series by Assistant Pastor Philip Lawton Seventh Day Baptist Church of Shiloh, NJ Check out Phil’s blog at The last few months have been alarming. Hurricane Maria has left Puerto Rico without power to this day. California has had several fires and now a mudslide that left at least 17 dead. In New...
“Knowing We Are Pilgrims, as Our Fathers Were”: A New Look at the Hubbards

Jan 23, 2018
First in a series of spinoff articles from recent research on the Newport, Rhode Island, Seventh Day Baptists by Janet Thorngate Most people who have even a smattering of American Seventh Day Baptist history know that the first Seventh Day Baptist church in America was founded in Newport, Rhode Island, in 1671 and that Samuel and Tacy Hubbard and...