Strategic Evaluation for School of Ministry As we as a Conference continue to evaluate how we accomplish our work and how we can accomplish it more effectively, we have begun to consider our education and training ministries as a Conference. We have clearly understood that the local churches desire to have leaders trained in using their various giftings, but...
Be A Leader

Dec 21, 2017
by Katrina Goodrich A few years ago the SCSC committee sold a t-shirt/onesie that said “future SCSCer.” It was cute and seemed to come in handy for a few parents toward the end of Conference week when their kids ran out of clean shirts. SCSC is a leadership training program for young adults — but leadership doesn’t magically begin when a person turns 18, nor...
Five Years of Grace

Dec 21, 2017
By Louie Brown Worship Leader Grace Seventh Day Baptist Church Grace Seventh Day Baptist Church, in Bloomington, MN, has been our spiritual home for over five years. Our first Sabbath service we gathered in Greg and Carol Olson’s living room. We had no way to envision what God would do from this humble beginning. Pastor Dale Rood (Dodge Center SDB) greeted us,...
Noah, the Thankful Pilgrim

Dec 21, 2017
By Sarina Villalpando Maranatha Community Church in Colton, CA Then Noah built an altar to the LORD and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it. — Genesis 8:20 When we were in school and it was around the time for Thanksgiving, we often heard about the pilgrims coming to America. But the pilgrims weren’t...
President’s Page

Dec 21, 2017
Rev. David Stall, Conference President “I’m very excited to have Lori with us at our conference in WI in 2018! She is a great writer and speaker who is smart, engaging, and devoted to Jesus. Lori will be with us ALL WEEK sharing short talks and readings, a Christian writers workshop, and some teaching about the art of having hard conversations. Make...