Standing For God— The Hardship of Service

Jan 24, 2013
Standing For God— The Hardship of Service by Executive Director Rob Appel In his book, My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers responds to the passage found in 2 Corinthians 12:15, “And I will very gladly spend and be spent for your souls; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I am loved.” Chambers’ response is called, “The Destitution of...
Worried? Stressed? Try this…

Jan 24, 2013
Worried? Stressed? Try this… by Seth Osborn I’ve been reflecting on the fact that I’ve already finished up the first semester of my 11th grade year. This is pretty big: I’m more than halfway done with my high school career. After three more semesters, I’m going to be off to college. That sounds like a long time when I say it, but thinking back, it...
Church Membership: The Precious Gift of Belonging

Jan 24, 2013
Church Membership: The Precious Gift of Belonging by Jeanne Yurke, Boise, Idaho Member at Raritan Valley SDB Church In Bridgewater, New Jersey The late Don Sanford used to say that there is no such thing as “a lone Sabbath-keeper,” because Seventh Day Baptists are a covenant people. Every SDB is part of a covenant fellowship, a local church. Moving many...
Will You Pray With Me?

Jan 24, 2013
Will You Pray With Me? By Andrew J. Camenga For the last year, I’ve been praying that God would grant opportunities to speak His Good News into the lives of people who don’t yet know Him. The obvious result in my life is a growing conviction that this needs to be my prayer right now. God has brought passages of Scripture to my mind in new and very...