Feb 22, 2013
Hello fellow SDBs and friends,
We are SO excited to officially invite you to join us for the 2013 General Conference sessions in Colorful Colorado on July 28 – August 3. Colorado is an amazing place to enjoy God’s beautiful creation via a myriad of family-friendly vacation opportunities before and after Conference.
The Conference location in Colorado Springs offers scenic views of Pikes Peak and the Rocky Mountains, perfect low-humidity weather, close proximity to many appealing day-trip options, and access to the modern facilities at our host institution—the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.
President Ralph Mackintosh has been hard at work putting together an unforgettable program to go along with his theme, “Forward in His Footsteps.” Our Host Committee, featuring the three Colorado churches—Boulder, Next Step (in Thornton) and Springs Life (in Colorado Springs)—as well as other individuals from around the country, has been unleashed to make sure your Conference experience goes as smoothly as possible. And we know that many have been preparing their hearts by Experiencing God. So we are thrilled to anticipate the powerful impact that God will have on Seventh Day Baptists through our Conference.
We would love for you to be a part of it. More details will show up here in the Recorder, so check back each month. A Facebook page will feature helpful information and links to prepare for your visit.
For specific questions, contact me at pastorsteve@sdbboulder.org or 303-541-9097. As our Conference Executive Director, Rob Appel, mentioned in a recent 7DB Blog post, we are encouraging everyone to stay on campus, if possible. The suite-style rooms are comfortable, up to date, and all in close proximity to each other and the dining hall. Please consider this as you make your plans.
I believe it was at Conference back in 2009 that Rob first mentioned to me his dream of having us host Conference in Colorado again. It has been a long journey, but we are thrilled that God has been in control and helped us to work out all the details to make this dream a reality. Won’t you please pray about being a part of the exciting things that God is going to do in, among, and through us at Conference this summer?
Privileged to serve you,
Pastor Steve Osborn, on behalf of an amazing Host Committee team