Mar 25, 2013
Seminarian Profile
Name: Johnmark Camenga
Birthdate and place:
September 14, 1978 Little Rock, AR
Cathy Rogers and I got married on August 5, 2000. We are blessed with 5-year-old triplets: Cate, Eve, and Jonah. We also have a 7-year-old Miniature Dachshund named Winston.
Mainland High School, Daytona Beach, FL
Salem (WV) International University (1996-99);
University of Central Florida, Orlando (2006-09);
West Virginia State University, Institute, WV (2009-10)
Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, KY (2010-present)
I hope to graduate in May of 2015 (but certainly not later than May of 2020).
Ministry experience:
SCSC for four years (1996-99) at North Loup, Lost Creek, White Cloud, Daytona Beach
Currently blessed to serve as pastor of the Lost Creek (WV) SDB Church where I began in September of 2012. Prior to this, I was licensed to preach in the Salem, WV and Daytona Beach, FL SDB Churches.
Other employment:
My only other significant employment was at the Florida United Methodist Children’s Home. I held several titles, and I most enjoyed the time spent working with the elementary school-aged boys. Those kids keep you running and love to push the limits. It helped tremendously in preparing me to be a dad.
Favorite Bible passage:
Matthew 5:43-48 helps me remember that what is demanded of me as a servant of Jesus is something that I cannot do in my own strength.
Favorite author:
Greg Ogden
If given a $10,000 check we would: Take the family out to dinner, replace Cathy’s computer, and invest the rest in Cate, Eve, and Jonah’s college fund.
A great answer to prayer: The peace and contentment that met us on the doorstep at the Lost Creek parsonage. When it sometimes feels like all we’re doing is making our best guess from day to day, the Lord truly worked in our hearts and heads as He led us here.
A project I’m excited about: is the new West Virginia Children’s Fellowship. The Salem, Lost Creek, and Middle Island churches have been blessed with an abundance of kids in the 3 to 12 age range and they have been coming out in force for our monthly get-togethers. If participation in Children’s Fellowship is any indication, Camp Joy is going to be bursting at the seams in short order.
My vision for SDBs: That each local congregation would dive headlong into the depths of discipleship and Christian formation, striving to reinvigorate those folks already in the pews such that the irresistible characteristics and qualities of Jesus become the same characteristics and qualities that we are known for.