A Family Grafted In by Nick Kertsen One of the great things about Seventh Day Baptists is how generously we bestow our heritage. No matter when someone becomes part of the SDB family, they are grafted into life among our people. This is equally true if your family roots run deep in our history or if you covenanted with one of our congregations last...
Living a life of comfort

Mar 25, 2013
Living a life of comfort by Katie Brown “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” —Philio This has been one of those months where a certain phrase or idea keeps coming to mind as I listen to sermons, read my Bible, pray and talk with fellow believers. God is slowly revealing to me that even the most “put together” people...
SCSC 2013 Teams List

Mar 22, 2013
Presenting this year’s Summer Christian Service Corps and Stained Glass teams. Please be in prayer for these young people who will be serving at our local churches. Their training dates are June 12-20 with projects running into early August. SCSC (Site and Project Director) •Ashaway, RI: Nadine Lawton, PD Lindsay Crouch (Bay Area, CA) William...
Good and Perfect Gifts

Mar 22, 2013
Good and Perfect Gifts A sermon from James 1:16-18 by Pastor Rod Henry Editor’s note: Here is Pastor Rod Henry’s sermon that he preached earlier this year on February 2. How this message was inspired and crafted is explained in his previous article here. To hear the sermon, go to the church’s website at nextstepchurch.org Introduction The Apostle...
The Process and Arrogance of Preaching

Mar 22, 2013
The Process and Arrogance of Preaching by Rod Henry “So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” So declares the Lord in Isaiah 55:11 For me, preaching is the arrogance of taking a text or story from the inspired (“God-breathed”) Bible,...