Sep 23, 2013
Retired Pastor Profile
Name: Melvin G. Nida
Birthdate, place: June 4, 1920 St. Paul, MN
Melvin died September 21, 2009
Married: Jeanette Dickinson on Nov. 24, 1944 in DeRuyter, NY
(Jeanette died January 24, 1987)
Children: Larry, Elizabeth and Sylvia
Married: M. Wanda Bowyer on Oct. 28, 1987
(She filed for divorce in 2000)
Married: Cynthia Jeanne Brissey on May 28, 2001
Downing (WI) High School, 1938 (Salutatorian)
Dunn County Normal School, Menomonie, WI, 1941—Elementary Teaching certificate
Salem (WV) College, 1947—BA in Social Science
Alfred (NY) University, 1950—BDiv
Iliff School of Theology, Denver, CO, 1956— ThD (Teaching degree)
Ministry Experience with SDBs:
Chicago SDB Church 1947-49—Associate Pastor
Richburg, NY 1949-52—Pastor. Ordained there in 1950; Accredited 1951
Salem, WV 1982-85—Interim Pastor
Editor, Helping Hand, 1951-54
Commission of the General Conference, 1960-63
General Conference President, 1962
Council on Ministry, 1962-71, 1974-80
Other Work Experiences:
Teacher, rural WI, 1941-42
Civilian Public Service (Alternate military service), 1942-46
Hospital Technician, Bethany Hospital, Chicago, 1948-49
Professor’s Assistant, Iliff School of Theology, Denver, 1953-54
Assistant Professor of New Testament & Christian Ethics, Alfred University School of Theology, 1954-61
Associate Professor of New Testament, Alfred, 1961-63
Associate Professor of Religion, Salem College, 1963-66
Chaplain, Civil Air Patrol, 1965-1970 (rank of Major)
Academic Dean, Salem College, 1966-68
Prof. of Religion and Philosophy, Salem College, 1968-80
Interim Teacher 6th Grade, Enterprise, WV, 1981-82
Private home care of elderly, 1987-95
Special Interests included:
Boy Scouts, sailplane pilot, gardening, pottery. He was also a court-appointed special advocate volunteer in a program for abused and neglected children.
Cynthia was his companion and caregiver for the last 8 years of his earthly life. She is employed at West Virginia Wesleyan College in Buckhannon, WV and is an active member of the Salem, WV, SDB Church serving as a deacon, singing in the choir, and participated on the 2012 Conference Host Committee.
She is the recipient of widow’s benefits from COSAR (Committee on Support and Retirement).