Nov 22, 2013
Choose… Good News!
by Steven James
In early November, voting took place across the U.S. as people chose leaders, laws and various amendments that many hoped would affect our land in positive ways. The season of fall brings with it this season of choosing.
However, on the heels of this season comes winter and the season that brings the reason for choosing that which will bring about real change—the good news of Jesus Christ!
Choosing to look to any other source of hope, health and happiness will only result in cosmetic and temporary change. Choosing to look to Jesus and the Good News surrounding Him brings lasting change to the very core of our hearts. That change will then spill out into our homes and the homeland for many of us here in North America, until that day when the realty of “heaven” comes to earth in all of its reality!
Why should we choose this news of and about Jesus Christ? Why is it “good”? Perhaps looking at what the messengers, both angelic and earthly, had to say about this good news will help us to choose it afresh this season.
In the Gospel of Luke, we see the angel’s declaration to the shepherds on the hillside many centuries ago. The angel gives us several reasons to choose this good news:
•It’s news that takes away our fears. The angel said, “Don’t be afraid, for I bring you good news…”
•It’s news that brings joy to our hearts. The angel said, “I bring you good news of great joy…”
•It’s news that is for everyone, not just for a few people here and there. The angel said, “…which will be to all people.”
•It’s news of salvation. The angel said, “For unto you is born this day… a Savior.”
•It’s news of new, true and righteous leadership. The angel said, “…Who is Christ, the Lord.” Those two titles—representing dynamics of leadership, or lordship—are used more than any other title for Jesus, including Savior, in the New Testament.
Jesus Himself indicated the impact for good that this news could have on those who heard and held to it. In Luke 4:16-19 we read that closely linked with the sharing of the Gospel is:
– the anointing of God’s Spirit
– the encouraging of people’s spirits
– the healing of broken hearts
– the breaking free from anything that holds us prisoner
– the restoration of clear vision
– the lifting up of those who’ve been pressed down, and
– the forward look to God’s rule over all.
One “earthly” messenger, the apostle Paul, stresses why we should choose this good news:
Its power. Paul states that the good news of Jesus Christ has the power to save everyone who believes. (Romans 1:16)
Its priority. Paul says that the most important topic—the teaching that was of first importance, when it came to touching lives forever—was the good news of Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:1-5)
Its proclamation. Paul stresses that this good news needs to be expressed to others so that its power can be experienced and its priority extolled. (Romans 10:17)
I don’t know about you, but there are lots of reasons for me to choose God’s good news this season in fresh and lasting ways! How about for you? What’s one reason to choose God’s good news this season?