Nov 22, 2013
Name: Michael G. Spearl
Birthdate and place:
July 10, 1954 Limestone, Maine—stayed there 2 months; Home base for the other 59 years: Florida
Family: Widower (wife Marilyn died 4/28/13); Son, Samuel and his wife, Kristi; 3 grandsons: Ayden, Eli, & Caleb
Miami Killian Sr. High School
University of the Philippines, BS Chemistry
Florida International University, BS Electrical Engineering
University of Central Florida, MS Electrical Engineering
Columbia (S.C.) International University, current seminary. I’m halfway through the seminary program.
Ministry experience:
Deacon at SDB Church of Daytona Beach, FL
Multiple mission trips to the Philippines
Pastor, Bradenton (FL) SDB Church, Nov. 2006–present
Non-ministry experience:
US Navy, 1972 -1976
Drug Toxicologist, 1980-1985
Electrical Engineer, 1986-1998
Electronics Instructor, 1999-2005
Favorite Bible passage: Galatians 5:6b “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love” (NIV)
Favorite authors: John Stott; the Apostles: John, Peter, and Paul (with ample guidance from Holy Spirit)
If given a $10,000 check I would: give $5,000 toward a church facility in Bradenton, FL and $5,000 toward a church facility in Daet, Camarines Norte, Philippines—a sister church of the Bradenton SDB Church.
A great answer to prayer was: In February 1980, my wife’s doctor advised us to abort her pregnancy because the doctor was certain the pregnancy was actually a hydatidiform mole. This is a condition in which tissue around a fertilized egg develops as an abnormal cluster of cells in the uterus after fertilization. We prayed about it and decided against the abortion. Our son is now 33 years old. My wife never conceived again.
A project I’m excited about: Our ministry band, “This Train,” plays and sings in local nursing homes and at various events. It’s wonderful to sing about our Lord Messiah Jesus and be appreciated for it, too!!
My vision for SDBs: Many of us have a keen desire to help our fellow man have a better quality of life. We desire to serve and to share our resources and touch the sick, but our ultimate hope in so doing is that people will see Jesus in us. One author has said, “The world is not looking for a life-changing message; rather the world is looking for a life that’s been changed by the message.”
My vision is that SDBs will recognize the opportunities they have to show others that asking Jesus to become the Lord and Master of their lives is the most valuable decision a person can ever make.