How you respond to others? Knee “Jerk” Reactions by Linda Lyke Milton, Wis. We’ve all heard of “road rage,” right? Well, instead of reacting in anger to something on the road, I have had a history of reacting emotionally to electronic transmissions—a text, an email, a Facebook message—without praying and thinking it through. I type a message, press...
“Be Witnesses”

Dec 19, 2013
“Be Witnesses” Association to host Church Planting Conference by Pastor Kenneth Chroniger Alfred Station, N.Y. Tim Keller, founder and pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, wrote the following thoughts: “The vigorous, continual planting of new churches is the single most crucial strategy for 1) the numerical growth of the Body of...
Church Planting, Southwest Style

Dec 19, 2013
Church Planting, Southwest Style by Bob Peet Kingman, Ariz. Here is the good news: Jesus is our Savior. Jesus commissioned us to make disciples of all nations, and that includes Kingman, Arizona. That’s exactly what we have been doing. In just seven months, the Kingdom of God church has grown to 70-80 regular parishioners here in Kingman. We are in the...