Jan 22, 2014
Name: Keith McCall
Birthdate and place:
September 14, 1967 Titusville, FL
Wife: Joanne McCall
Sons: Keith McCall II (24), Alek Templin (19)
New Smyrna Beach (FL) High School (1985)
BS in Vocational Ed. at University of Central Florida (2003)
Columbia (SC) International University (Seminary) – began August 2012
I expect to graduate in May 2020
Ministry experience:
Youth Pastor of SDB Daytona Beach, FL (2003–2008)
Pastor of SDB Edgewater, FL (March 2008 – present)
Other experience:
Master Electrician – Electrical Contractor
Favorite Bible passage:
Psalm 51:10-13
Favorite author:
Hard to commit to a favorite. I appreciate different authors for different reasons. Would it be cheating to say, “God”??
If given a $10,000 check we would:
Probably give it to SDB Edgewater Building Fund and/or Deep South Camp Building Fund. Actually, maybe pay off my truck first (about $3K). It really depends on who gave it to me and why.
A great answer to prayer was:
My wonderful wife. No doubt an answer to a specific prayer.
A project I’m excited about:
The South Atlantic Association has started a building fund for Deep South Camp. We are currently looking for property.
My vision for SDBs:
To be the light of the world wherever we may go, living out our faith as dedicated disciples and ambassadors for Christ. I want us to speak the truth of God’s Word in love, seek out and share our faith with the lost, be approachable to seekers, and proclaim and glorify the name of Jesus Christ until His return.