Anybody need a “Do-Over”? by Executive Director, Rob Appel I have a confession. I like the movie “Groundhog Day.” In fact, I have even used this movie backdrop for our chapel time at the SDB Center on a Wednesday morning. “Groundhog Day” debuted 20 years ago and starred Bill Murray as “Phil,” and Andie MacDowell as “Rita.” The plot is about a...
Choose… to Fuse!
Choose… to Fuse! by Rev. Steven James One of the most blessed dynamics of church life is to connect together. The apostle Paul, the man whom God used to write or impact most of the New Testament, admitted the need to be connected with others. In Romans 1, he shares his heart with the believers in a very transparent way in declaring how he felt about them...
Fully Rely on God

Jan 22, 2014
Fully Rely on God by Benny Uhlich Nearly two years ago I left my parents’ house in my home state of Washington and moved far away to Ohio. It was one of the scariest things I’d ever done, but also the most exciting. I had saved some money from my previous job before I moved, and had a job interview set up in Ohio. I went through a very nice interview and...
The “L” word

Jan 22, 2014
The “L” word by Elianna Chroniger, Alfred Station, N.Y. In February, you’ll start to hear lots of people using it. That’s right, the “L” word is love. People nowadays use this word as much as they use the word “like.” Let me tell you—it’s, like, a lot of, like, times. The word “love” doesn’t seem to hold much meaning anymore. People “love” a girlfriend...
A New Member Workbook
A New Member Workbook by Andrew J. Camenga The Seventh Day Baptist Board of Christian Education is pleased to let you know that a template for a Church Membership Workbook is available for download from our website ( How does someone join your church? Is there a clear process? Could you explain it? Does your church have...