Feb 21, 2014
New Members
Boulder, CO
Steve Osborn, pastor
Joined after testimony
Seth Osborn
Michaella Osborn
Joined by letter
Philip Lawton
Amanda Lawton
Milton, WI
George Calhoun, pastor
Joined after baptism
Aidan Green
Lynnette Millard
Joined after testimony
Ronda St. Clair
Conor Green
Collin Green
Joined by letter
Mark Green
Faith Green
Stern – Patterson. Ethan Stern and Jasmine Patterson were united in marriage on June 8, 2013 at the Stern Family Farm in Martinsburg, PA.
Samuels—The Rev. Dr. Joseph A. Samuels
February 26, 1936 was a special day for Theophilus and Albertha Samuels. Their twelfth and last child was born—Joseph Alphonso Samuels.
Joseph spent his early years in the Mountain View-Vineyard Town neighborhood in Jamaica. While at Crandall High School, God called him to the Christian Ministry. This would be his lifelong passion and unswerving commitment.
At the age of 18 he was sent to pastor the Font Hill SDB Church, supervised by the Rev. John J. Hamilton. Under his leadership, the church hosted the second Jamaica SDB Conference Sessions in 1968. Pastor Samuels’ influence was felt throughout the community.
On April 8, 1959 he married his childhood sweetheart, Joyce Vassell. The union produced four children and an “adopted’’ son. Joyce and Joe were an inseparable item throughout SDB churches in Jamaica, often performing songs as a duet.
Joseph was installed as the pastor of the Kingston SDB ‘’Charles Street’’ Church in 1960. He would serve that church for the next two decades. Pastor Joe was ordained at the Albion Mountain Church in St. Mary in 1963 by the Rev. Leon Lawton.
He pursued theological studies at the Jamaica Theological Seminary (J.T.S.) and was one of four students in the very first graduating class of this institution in 1964. He studied also at the Institute of Management.
Pastor Joe and Joyce founded the Maiden Hall Camp for Youths and Young Adults in St. Mary. This annual summer camp became a training ground for the propagation of the Gospel, meeting the various needs of its participants. Many would gain lifelong friendships, spouses, and receive the call to ministry there.
During his service in Jamaica, Joe wore many hats: Pastor (at Font Hill, Kingston, Mountain View and Luna Churches), Marriage Officer, Probation Officer, Educator at Crandall Hill School, Director of Ministerial Training, Corresponding Secretary for the SDB Conference, President of the JSDB Conference in 1980, and Co-Founder and inaugural speaker of The Word of Truth Radio Broadcast.
Rev. Samuels and his family eventually migrated to Canada to be the first pastor of the First SDB Church of Toronto (1980-84). He would continue his education in Management Studies at Seneca College. Then he was called to be the pastor of the historic Plainfield SDB Church in New Jersey in December 1984.
Pastor Joe was the first black pastor to lead this august congregation. During his nearly 30 years of leadership at Plainfield he blazed many new trails:
–Started full-day Sabbath Services
–Fellowship Lunch that led to afternoon programs such as: Youth Fellowships, Bible Studies, Bible Verse competitions, and Bible Jeopardy
–An annual week of revival in early September
–Wednesday night Bible Studies, geared at meeting the many needs of the homeless community. Several members were converted, received baptism, and are current members of the church.
–Labor Day Weekend Camp at Jersey Oaks
–A two-year ministerial training program. The courses required hard work to succeed. Pastors E. Cooper, R. Smith, S. Sterling and many others are beneficiaries of this program. These courses were respected enough in the academic community for Slidell University to accept them as course credits when members sought higher degrees.
Joe helped to establish the 7th Day Sabbath-Keepers Evangelistic Association (S.K.E.A.) with the help of Bishop Roosevelt Johnson of the Messiah Maranatha Christian Fellowship Church from Philadelphia, Pa. Another church associated is the First Chronicles of The Living God Ministry, in Willingboro, N.J. Pastor Joe was a major force behind the establishment of “Super Sabbath” services held in one of the S.K.E.A. churches.
Pastor Samuels completed his formal education by obtaining his Masters and Doctorate degrees from Slidell University in Louisiana. He also received a Brotherhood Award from the City of Plainfield. He served as: the first black President of the U.S.A. and Canada Conference (1990); a Vice President then President of the SDB World Federation (2003—2008); Member, Vice President, and President of the Missionary Society’s Board of Directors; and President of the 7th Day Sabbath-Keepers Evangelistic Association (S.K.E.A.).
Joseph was a generous visionary, passionate, committed to Jesus Christ, and doggedly devoted to His church. He possessed an indomitable spirit, an incisive mind, and a formidable intellect. His travelling took him throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, the Caribbean, and Malawi in Africa. He worked to help revitalize the Millyard Church in London and preached from the pulpit of that church, an experience he found extremely moving.
Pastor Joseph Alphonso Samuels completed his tour of duty on December 24, 2013 at 5:02 a.m. His life spanned 77 years, 9 months.
He left behind to celebrate his life his beloved soulmate and wife of 57 years—Sis Joyce Samuels; four children—Marlene Campbell, Sharon Gaye Dailey, David and Myron Samuels; one ‘’adopted son’’—Errol (Austin) Emmanuel Gayle; 14 grandchildren; a sister, Louise Dunn in Palm Beach, Fla., and a brother Benjamin Samuels in Sunrise, Fla.; a long list of relatives, and countless Christian brethren and friends.
God said it best of all: ‘Blessed are the dead which die in the LORD from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.’’ (Rev. 14:13 KJV)
A homegoing service was held at the South East Atlanta SDB Church on January 5, 2014 and another memorial celebration was held at the Plainfield (N.J.) SDB Church on February 8, 2014. His body was entombed in Haisten at Eastlawn Memorial Park in McDonough, Ga.
Brannon.—Warren Brannon, 91, of Freeville, N.Y., passed from this earth on January 22, 2014.
Born on August 16, 1922 Warren grew up in America’s breadbasket and toiled with his hands helping to raise the family’s food. Graduating from North Loup (Neb.) High School, he enrolled at Kearney State Teachers College for one year. He responded to the Army’s call just months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. His three-year duty included Alaska’s Aleutian Islands and India.
After the war, he married Marion Maxson. He received his education (Bachelors in Agriculture at Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln; PhD in Animal Breeding and Genetics at Cornell) and stayed on at Cornell to begin his life’s work with New York’s Cooperative Extension Service. During his 20 years there, Dr. Brannon focused on the production of robust lamb meat, wool growth and the development of meat and wool markets. His laboratory was a 200-acre family sheep farm near Ithaca. Various shepherds and 4-H families looked forward to his visits, bringing new practical approaches to housing and feeding market lambs.
Upon retirement at 57, he continued farming and assisting son Larry at Owasco Meat Co. in Moravia, N.Y., as well as serving on various meat producers organizations until retiring again at 88.
Other passions included 20 years on the Dryden, N.Y. school board; playing trombone and singing in gospel quartets; and church worship. He was active with his Seventh Day Baptist church family, providing lay leadership and serving on the denomination’s Commission.
Dr. Brannon was predeceased by Marion in 2011, his 65-year companion and rock. He leaves behind loving siblings Dorothy Lawton, Neva Hunt and Homer Brannon; children: Nancy Norlander, Larry Brannon, Dennis Brannon and Ken Brannon; 13 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren.
The family is grateful that Dad is finally free of the frustrations of dementia. Ashes to be interred in North Loup, Neb., this summer.
Death Announcement
Connie Lucetta (White) Green, 72, of Valdez, AK died on September 7, 2013.
Elmer E. Maddox, 96, member at Riverside, CA and living in Sequim, WA died on November 5, 2013.
Audree E. Bunce, 99, of Battle Creek, MI died on February 3, 2014.