Mar 21, 2014
Name: Brent Roy Hannah
Birthdate and place: August 23, 1970 Deer Park, CA
Wife: Carla
Sons: Conor and Brock
Pacific Union College Preparatory School
Pacific Union College BA History (1994), BA Theology (1995)
California State Teaching Credentials (1995)
Completed all three classes in the SDB Summer Institute Program
Palmer Theological Seminary of Eastern University (West Virginia Campus)
I just started seminary in February, so graduation date 2018?
Ministry experience:
Various positions such as Sabbath School Teacher, Youth Leader, Deacon, Elder and Extern Pastor at the St. Helena SDA Church
Associate Pastor at the Bay Area [CA] Seventh Day Baptist Church (2006-11)
Pastor at Salem [WV] SDB Church (2011-Present)
Other experience:
Teacher at Escondido [CA] Adventist Academy (1995-99), Foothills Elementary School in Deer Park, CA (1999-2001), Hilltop Christian School in Antioch, CA (2001-02)
Financial Aid Counselor at Pacific Union College (2002-06, 2008-11)
Favorite Bible passage:
Favorite chapter–Romans 8; Favorite passage–Revelation 21:1-5; Life/Ministry passage–Matthew 22:37-39.
Favorite authors:
Philip Yancey, Stephen Ambrose, J.R.R. Tolkien, Louis L’Amour
If given a $10,000 check we would:
Give tithe, get some vehicle repair done, create a dental/orthodontic medical savings account, and pay off debt.
A great answer to prayer was: God making it clear to our whole family, including the boys, that He wanted us to move to Salem, West Virginia!
A project I’m excited about: Our church has recently partnered with an ecumenical group called Open Heart Ministry to help reach out to the poor and needy in our community.
My vision for SDBs: I pray that we might truly be the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world” (Matt 5:13-14). I pray that SDBs would be such a loving and committed group of believers—toward God, each other, our communities, and our world—that our love, sharing of the Gospel, and good works would shine as a witness to Jesus and draw everyone around us to join in the Kingdom of God!