Apr 23, 2014
Celebrating 25 Years of Service
by Theo-Nathan Wilson
In the summer of 1988, a young man was called to take on the leadership role as Senior Pastor of the Miami, Fla., Seventh Day Baptist church. Twenty-five years later—after 106 baby dedications, 99 baptisms, 86 weddings, 47 funerals, and extending the right hand of fellowship to 163 members—the need to honor a man of God who has given himself wholeheartedly as a servant-leader to the Miami SDB Church was quite necessary.
On Sabbath September 28, 2013, church leaders and congregation members, family and friends traveled from various parts of the world to join Pastor Andrew Samuels and his wife Kay in celebrating their 25 years of pastoral service. The service was enhanced with music from the Miami SDB praise team, dance ministry, and a combined ensemble which included members of both the Miami and Ft. Lauderdale churches. It was a Sabbath evening to remember.
Pastors Noel Campbell and Ericessen Cooper shared the leadership responsibilities for the evening, and guest speaker Pastor Whaid Rose, President of the Church Of God Seventh Day Denver Conference (a school colleague of Pastor Samuels’ wife Kay), delivered the message. “It’s All About People” was inspired by Romans 16:1-16, 21-27.
Pastor Rose’s message, along with other ministries throughout the evening, brought a few main points to the forefront: 1) The service to God through service to people, 2) The partnership of ministry colleagues over the past 25 years, and 3) The Faithfulness of God.
Pastor Andrew has demonstrated throughout the past quarter century that he is a prime example of a servant-leader. During his tenure, 66 pastors have shared the Word at the pulpit. He has also reciprocated this act at various churches in the United States, in the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, and South America.
He is always willing to serve in ways that are beneficial to others. Additionally, he is known for demonstrating extreme acts of kindness, and a high commitment level to whatever he lends his service.
The aforementioned comments were conveyed by many friends, including a Sunday morning soccer club in which he participates, as well as alumni from his high school in Jamaica, Wolmer’s Boys School. These words of appreciation were delivered to Pastor Andrew during an “open floor” segment of the program, filled with lots of humor and heartfelt appreciation.
The service closed with Pastor Andrew expressing his gratitude to everyone in attendance. After his closing statements, all Pastors who were present laid hands on both Pastor Andrew and Sister Kay, thanking God for the last 25 years and asking for His direction and blessing on the years ahead. In true Seventh Day Baptist fashion, the celebration continued with refreshments and fellowship afterwards.
The following quote sums up Pastor Andrew as the strong leader he has been over the past 25 years: “Whatever your career may be, true leadership means to receive power from God and use it under God’s rule to serve people in God’s way.” – Leighton Ford
We extend a special thank you to all those who travelled from various parts of Florida, Georgia, New York, Wisconsin, and Jamaica to celebrate with Pastor Samuels.