May 23, 2014
Skateboarding for Christ—in India
by Nathaniel Muench, Fort Atkinson, Wis.
Editor’s note: Starting in local skateboard parks in southern Wisconsin, Nathaniel and Zachary Muench wanted to reach out to others with the Gospel of Christ using their skateboarding skills. In just a few years, “Skaters of Christ” have taken their ministry around the country and now to other parts of the world.
Nathaniel reported to the SDB Church in Milton (one of their mission sponsors—and where the Muenches attend) and shared about one of their latest adventures.
Thank you so much for your support this year! Without you, India might not have happened.
Last September I flew to Fort Myers, Florida, to meet the team going to India. Six of us went in all: Justin Hanneken, the trip director from the mission organization Youth Hope; Mark and Shannon Koch, founders of “Ride Nature,” an organization dedicated to bring skateboards and surfboards to kids in poverty; Ramon Raylu Martinez, a professional Break Dancer; Matthew Hagsten, a Youth Pastor in Fort Myers; and myself.
The next day, we had a six-hour layover in New Jersey. Matt brought out his guitar and I my ukulele. He pulled out some praise song tabs and we both started jamming in the terminal. Seeing people’s faces and hearing them sing along made it one of the best experiences ever.
Dancing and jumping for Jesus
Thirty hours later we landed in India. David, the native missionary, was there to pick us up. The next morning it was “go time.”
We did two school assemblies in the morning, each school having about 500-700 kids. Ramon would dance, then I jumped over him on my skateboard and did some boarding tricks for the kids. Then a couple of us got up to speak.
That afternoon we did some street ministry. In the evening we went to an orphanage, did our program and showed them an action sports video from “Ride Nature,” which they translated into their native language. The kids loved it! Afterwards we hung out with the kids and loved on them.
*Please pray for the kids in orphanages in different countries, also for the leaders of Christian run orphanages, who work endlessly with little to no pay, being the hands and feet of Jesus.
More schools, more lives touched
The next day we did a couple more schools. On Saturday we headed to a village called Big River. We did our thing and played some songs for the kids.
The greatest honor was hearing those kids giving testimonies of how good God had been, and getting to meet native missionary pastors who had traveled many miles on foot to meet us. *Please pray for them—the Gospel is spreading like fire in those places, but the persecution is great.
The next day (Sunday) we returned and did another event for a different group of kids. And that evening did an event at a Christian College. Over the next two days we did more schools.
They’ve never seen a skateboard
Tuesday we headed out to another village for the rest of the trip. No civilization for miles! These places in India had never seen a skateboard, and it was such a blessing to show them how to skate and teach them tricks. That night we piled ourselves and about 10 kids into an eight-seater van and headed to the beach.
The next night (Wednesday) we did a video premiere in a neighboring village. After a pastor gave an appeal, many people came forward and gave their lives to Jesus. Thursday night we did four street events, pulling into a village, setting up speakers and turning on some music.
Again I would skate and Ramon would dance. Then Ramon shared the Gospel and we would move to the next village. Friday morning we headed out, stopping at a surf contest happening. That was an honor as well because it was the second one ever in India. In the evening we headed home.
Mission accomplished / just begun
Looking back and writing this brings back so many good memories. Over this trip we did around 20 events. Because of your help, we were able to share the Gospel with over 5,000 people who may have never heard the name of Jesus. Thank you!
Nathaniel and Zach Muench and the “Skaters of Christ” traveled to Puerto Rico with two other skaters in early May for a week with our Seventh Day Baptist Church there, doing skate ministry and sharing the Gospel. If you want to support the Skaters of Christ financially, please contact the Milton SDB Church at or call 608-868-2741.