Breathing, Being and Benedictions by Kevin Butler After my Korner in June, some people were hoping to hear my plan for what I’ll be doing next. Here it is: Breathing. I want to pull back from a quarter-century of deadlines and just breathe for a bit. I want to concentrate on “being” more than doing. In April, I was immensely blessed to participate in a...
The Editor gets the final word:

Jun 24, 2014
The Editor gets the final word: THANK YOU! To the Creator and Sustainer of the universe To the SDB Conference for your patience and trust To Leanne, the Center Staff, and writers for your faithful and excellent work As I dedicated my first issue to my Dad, I gratefully dedicate this one to Janet Davis Butler Thank you for being my...
About a Rev named Kev

Jun 24, 2014
About a Rev named Kev My adult (?) children got together (collaborated, conspired) by e-mail and Facebook to generate this wild tribute to their Old Man. Janet, honey, what have we created?? My guess is some grateful and creative and funny kids. Thanks, guys and gals!—Editor Hey Pappy! Here’s what your family...
Family Flux – July/August 2014
New Members Full Gospel SDB Cumberland, MD Ron Higson, pastor Joined by letter Sandi Clark Daniel Pikora Shiloh, NJ Don Chroniger, pastor Joined after baptism Jonah Charles Bond Marriages Bond – Williams. Richard Aaron Bond and Katherine “Kate” Williams were united in marriage on May 17, 2014, at the home of the bride’s parents in Bridgeton, NJ. Rev....
Shiloh Church Honored
Shiloh Church honored by Donna S. Bond, Shiloh, N.J. Too often we hear the cries of separation of Church and State from those who wish for “freedom from religion” rather than “freedom of religion” as envisioned by our Founding Fathers. It was therefore refreshing to attend Ranch Hope’s* Founder’s Banquet celebrating their Golden anniversary on May 8,...