Jun 24, 2014
2014 Institute held
Sessions dealt with the Sabbath
by Gordon Lawton
Seven students gathered in Janesville, Wis., at the SDB Center for the final week of the “Summer” Institute in Sabbath Theology. The students began participating online in February and submitted their Sabbath Theology paper at the end of the class session in Wisconsin.
Students were Tim Bancroft from Wellsville, N.Y. and a member at First Genesee SDB, Little Genesee, N.Y.; Clint Brown from Westerly, R.I and a member at First Hopkinton SDB, Ashaway, R.I.; Johnmark Camenga, Pastor at Lost Creek, W.Va.; Carl Greene, Pastor at Hebron, Pa.; Kevin Palmiter, Pastor at First Genesee, N.Y.; Ray Peterson from Racine, Wis. and a member at Pataskala, Ohio; and David Stall, Pastor at First Hopkinton SDB in Ashaway, R.I.
The Sabbath—from creation through the Scriptures—was studied. This included looking at its origin and practices in the Old Testament, as well as the example of Jesus and the early Church. We had a session discussing the practical application of Sabbath principles found in the Bible, as well as a time of trying to understand the reasoning of those who do not keep the seventh-day Sabbath. (Understanding is not the same as agreement.)
It was a good time of learning about this important topic as well as deepening friendships and building new ones. Those taking the class at the seminary/graduate level received a letter grade. Others were graded Pass/Fail.
This is one of three such classes that teach SDB distinctives. Last year was SDB Polity and next year is SDB History.
Books read included:
The Sabbath: Symbol of Creation and Re-Creation by Herbert E. Saunders (American Sabbath Tract Society, 1970)
Perspectives On the Sabbath, Four Views edited by John Donato (B&H Academic, 2011)
Spiritual Sabbathism by A.H. Lewis (American Sabbath Tract Society, 1910)
True to the Sabbath, True to Our God: Practical Sabbath Keeping by Larry Graffius (American Sabbath Tract and Communication Council, 1998)
Divine Rest for Human Restlessness by Samuele Bacchiocchi (Biblical Perspectives, 1988)