Aug 26, 2014
The Beacon
by Elianna Rose Chroniger and Rebecca Olson
Hi, I’m Becca!
Hi, I’m Ellie!
And we are your Beacon editors for the next year.
You probably already know me–I did this job two years ago.
You probably know me too, but that’s because of my dad,
Pastor Ken Chroniger!
Life of a pastor’s kid. Everybody knows who you are, even when you have no idea where they came from.
That’s pretty much how we both live! We’re known by
It’s got some perks, too. For example, everyone trusts us, so when we say things like, “We want to change the entire Beacon and have two editors,” Pat Cruzan is like, “Well, okay!”
Thus, the situation we are in is born!
And we are very happy to be here.
This year, we are hoping to change not only the way the Beacon is written, but also how it’s read!
We’re going to start posting the articles on Facebook so that they’re actually read by the youth, who are apparently too lazy to go to the website or pick up a magazine.
Hopefully, we will be featuring more writers than just us!
We’re also adding a new feature called “The Spotlight,” in which we’ll feature a Seventh Day Baptist youth group and what they are doing each month.
Spotlight! Hahaha! Get it? We’re writing for the Beacon!
Yes, Elianna. I think they get it.
Alright, sorry guys. I think they understand how this year
is going to go!
Yes. I will be the voice of reason here.
No, Becca, I meant the changes.
Oh right, the changes. Yes, I’m very excited about all we’ll be doing this year.
So am I! OH! And so what we have learned applies to our lives today–
And God has a lot to say in His book…
Elianna Rose Chroniger!
You see, we know that God’s word is for everyone, and now that our song is done we’ll take a look!
Are you finished?
I could always sing it again!
No, that’s really okay. Anyway, as she was saying–
I mean, singing–we have some scripture to leave you with!
It’s next year’s Conference theme passage, Psalm 1:3.
“That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.” (NIV)
Thank you very much for reading, and we look forward to editing the column for the rest of the year!