Dec 30, 2014
Meet the Directors
Executive Director, Rob Appel
Last month I wrote about the changes that our General Conference is undertaking and how those changes have allowed us to renovate what we have been doing in the past and reconfigure them for our future. Our General Council saw the opportunity to explore ways we could renew our ministries in order to revitalize our churches. Through a very prayerful process they examined our existing programs, discussed future ideas, brainstormed and dreamed about the “what ifs.” They sought vision from God of what a more preferable future would look like for our Conference and how this preferable future would impact our churches. Then the Council assigned these responsibilities and duties over to our “players.”
Jeremiah Owen — Director of Communications
Jeremiah brings a new set of skills to an area called “Emerging Media.” Over the past few years we have witnessed the fast paced development of ways to communicate that we did not have only ten years ago. Jeremiah understands these forms of communication. He is always preparing himself for the next big thing to come along in communication. Facebook and Twitter might be the things today…but you only have to wait a short time before the next wave of communication technology is here. Over many years, one of the major undertakings of the Communications department has been to publish the monthly magazine, The Sabbath Recorder. Through this print outreach we undertake to inspire and inform Seventh Day Baptists in America and around the world!
Nick Kersten — Director of Education & History
Nick has a passion for teaching! If you have ever been in one of his classes you will soon find that to be evident. Nick also has a sweet spot for History. Just like communications, today’s education methods come in many forms. The SDB Education emphasis is focused on those studying for the ministry through Seminary Education or Bible College to those in the T.I.M.E. Program. It also includes Continuing Education for Pastors. There are programs and materials to encourage and equip Seventh Day Baptist Churches, helping them to teach evangelism, nurture, discipleship, history, and stewardship to their members. Our SDB History reminds us to “Remember our past, to Inform the present, and to Envision the future.” Through our vast history as a people of faith, we will have a fuller understanding of and appreciation for whence we have come and how and why, under God’s leading in the past. Nick’s teaching skills will allow him more opportunities to inform us all on our rich heritage.
Clint Brown — Director of Missions
Clint became the executive of the Missionary Society in 2011. Clint has brought a new focus and leadership to what Missions is all about today! His work takes him all over the world and sometimes into harsh circumstances. Clint’s quiet demeanor is just the thing to diffuse volatile situations. Spreading the Gospel around the world is the goal of the Seventh Day Baptist Missionary Society. The Society carries out their goals through education, information, and suggestions for tangible assistance. These are stepping stones to becoming a beacon to others around the world.
The purpose of the Seventh Day Baptist Missionary
Society is to coordinate and carry out missions by carrying the message of salvation through faith in Christ to all who will hear, so they may accept Him as Savior.
John Pethtel — Director of Church Development & Pastoral Services
John has just been recently hired to this position. This Director works with Churches, Pastors, and Associations in the capacity of: Church Planting/Revitalization Coordinator; the first contact with new acquaintances and inquiries; Pastoral Services; and Crisis Intervention. John brings a passion to this position that ensures that this overwhelming position has the best chance of completing the goals and values that we desire. John’s management and administrative background, along with his pastoral care and mentoring, and his
understanding of how the General Conference works, make him a great placement in this new and exciting Director position. Please help us welcome and support John in his new endeavor, representing and working on all of our behalf.