Dec 30, 2014
W H Y N O W ?
— Donna S. Bond
Shiloh SDB Church, NJ
“Go home today. Have a biopsy tomorrow,” was the advice of two ER doctors in Janesville, WI, on opening day of Conference 1992. I had found a lump on my neck during the Conference President’s sermon in Milton, WI, on the previous day and asked Dad to take me to the ER, hoping to get an antibiotic and be on my merry way.
“Why now?” I screamed inwardly. It was easier to understand why NOT now: As Women’s Board President I had responsibilities during the coming week. I had just signed a contract for my first full-time job in 14 years, to begin September 1. Counting on my new job, we had purchased a second vehicle and put braces in two teenagers’ mouths. I had just attended my 25-year class reunion in White Cloud, MI, where middle-aged classmates affirmed, “You look great!” Why now?
Why Now Answer 1: We loaded our station wagon with disappointed offspring and headed back to New Jersey, a 900-mile trip, a full week sooner than we had planned. Vice President Ruth Probasco was ready and able to carry out “my” responsibilities at Conference.
Why Now Answer 2: As a long-term sub during the 1991-92 school year, the Board of Education had been forced to give my family health benefits beginning May 2. With zero-to-minimal coverage in previous months and a diagnosis of Stage 3 Hodgkin’s disease, God’s providence was unmistakable!
Why Now Answer 3: I was able to continue working without loss of income. The Board had recently established a sick bank policy and I was the second one to benefit from it! Even though I was new to the system, coworkers were allowed to donate their sick days to my account. I missed 4-6 days each month for seven months and was paid for all of them due to the generosity of 30-some new friends. Who orchestrated all of that at just the right time?
Why Now Answer 4: My illness came at just the time in my life when I needed affirmation of my worth as a Child of God. Church family, neighbors and other friends provided monetary love gifts, transportation to Philadelphia for treatments, prayers, encouragement and food. Many even told me I “looked great” under my wig and makeup. (Later, I saw a picture of myself and recognized some “little white lies”!) Eventually my kids forgave me for “ruining their summer.”
Now, 22 years later, I think about God’s provision and perfect timing every day and try to encourage others who are asking, “Why now?”