Jun 2, 2015
Denman Installed as Pastor
by John Pethtel, Director of Pastoral Services
On May 2, 2015, Glenn Denman was installed as the new pastor of the Central Washington SDB Church in Yakima, WA. Levi Bond, President of the NW Association, from the Portland Area SDB Church preached the sermon, titled “Faith through the Ages”, from Hebrews 11. Previous pastor Stan Fox led the installation service which finished with prayer and laying hands on Pastor Glenn. After the installation, family, friends, and church members enjoyed a pot luck dinner in honor of Pastor Glenn and his wife Karen.
Glenn was saved at the 1983 Billy Graham Crusade in Tacoma, WA. He became an active member of the Ahtanum Community Church in Yakima. He was very supportive of the church going from Sunday worship to Sabbath worship in 1997 and eventually becoming a part of the Seventh Day Baptist Conference in 2007. The church became the Central WA SDB Church when it built a new facility.
Glenn has served the church in many ways over the years: Sabbath School teacher, Trustee, Church Chairman of the Board, and also pianist.
He surrendered to the call into the ministry some years ago and has preached on many occasions and filled in for the pastor when needed. He also served as the Assistant Pastor for years. Glenn had been ordained some years ago but more recently by the CWSDB Church. He has a real commitment to Jesus Christ and a love for His Word. He has been with the church over 30 years and has a great love for the people.
Glenn is originally from Tacoma, WA. He is married to Karen (Fox) and has a daughter and a son and three grandchildren. He also is a full-time employee of the city of Yakima, WA, as the Certified Building Official.