Jun 29, 2015
The Beacon
Hello Beacon readers!
Once again, it’s Becca.
And Ellie! This is our last Beacon article here with you as your editors.
I can’t believe after having this job for two years,
I will never write another Beacon article.
This year has been great and I know that I’ve truly been blessed to write for you and have your attention as you read!
You have been the best readers we could have asked for –
I’ve really appreciated all the notes of encouragement I’ve received.
I hope as we have written we’ve left you with thoughts
that have changed you, even just a little bit.
And I hope I haven’t offended anyone too much.
I seem to have a knack for picking the controversial topics.
We will greatly miss writing for you and we humbly ask for your prayers as we move into the next chapter of our lives!
Houghton College is where I am headed to study
Business Administration with a minor in Accounting,
and these next four years of college will be hectic.
I’ll be studying Nursing at my local community college,
and I am so excited to see where God’s plan is leading me
(I honestly have no idea).
Life is about to change drastically for the two of us, but we know there will always be encouragement in God’s word.
I ask that as we all continue over the next few years
that we remember these verses and persevere.
We thank you for remembering us in your prayers, and we wish the best of luck to the Beacon editor of 2016 –we know the column will find its way into good hands.