Dec 28, 2015
“Walk with me.”
— Daniel Lovelace
Metro Atlanta SDB Church
A few months ago, as I attended a conference, I stood a few feet away from a man as he prayed for a lady. Over the past year or so, I’d grown to really look up to this man. He speaks at various conferences and churches, teaching people about prophecy — that is seeing and speaking from that which God sees and speaks. He had a vibrant relationship with God, enjoyed life in Him, and in many ways was a role model to me. Leading up to this point, I had asked God for the chance to meet him at this conference, and almost out of nowhere, I now had this opportunity. It looked like this was my chance!
As the man finished praying for her, he started walking away quickly with a directed attention that said, “I need to be elsewhere.” He would be walking right past me and I realized I could have grabbed his attention, but I decided to leave it. “He has somewhere to be; I won’t block him from that. I’ve already asked God and I trust Him.” But then as the speaker walked past me, without turning, he said to me, “Walk with me.” Inside I felt like, “Yeaahh!! I’m in! All the hundreds of others at this conference might want to talk with him, but I’m with him by his own choice!” We walked to his merchandise table, where he handed another lady he spoke with one of his CDs, and talked with her a little more. I stood there waiting for him, content and happy. Like a little child I’d asked my Heavenly Daddy for this, knowing it’d be close to impossible for me to arrange, and it now appeared He said, “Sure Daniel, I can arrange that.”
Then the speaker turned around and asked me, “So what’s up, man?” as we walked to a less populated area. I told him a little about myself. He asked me some questions about what I was doing with different things. Then he said, “Cool, man! Well, let’s pray.” As he prayed for me, he started out praying for some of the things we talked about. Then he started praying for things he couldn’t have known from what we talked about. He ended the prayer by praying for things I didn’t know about either! I knew this was a prophetic prayer — praying from what God sees and desires for me. It wasn’t because this man was super special in himself; rather it was because he had a close relationship with God, Who knows everything about me, and he simply prayed as God directed him to pray. It was a really cool experience and I was encouraged and blessed by it.
Later, as I was thinking about that blessing, I realized something. God also says the same thing to us. He says, “Walk with Me.” When God calls us to walk with Him, He doesn’t require anything strenuous from us. He just says walk, live, abide, rest — in Him – and He takes care of it from there. That moment of joy and delight that I felt as I thought “Yeaaahh! I’m in! No one can change that!” is worthy of being felt. I’m with Him, the One worthy of highest honor and praise. The One with an immeasurablycompassionate and loving heart, and also limitless strength and wisdom. The One Who knows everything about me and everyone and everything in existence, and Who cares tremendously for me. I’m with Him forever — the blood of Jesus has secured me here — so nothing else will remove me from here. I can rest in Him. I can speak with Him and listen to Him; I can trust Him as He leads and empowers me through life; and I can receive all His blessings from His majestic beauty. There are many blessings to be received and counted throughout our life, but He is the most significant One.
Daniel Lovelace is a 24-year old from Dallas, Georgia. He seeks to deeper rest in and live from His relationship with God through Jesus, as he currently serves alongside the Metro Atlanta Seventh Day Baptist church.