Jan 22, 2016
By Daniel Lovelace
Metro Atlanta SDB Church
I don’t remember all the details of it, but I had a dream last night that Jesus was standing nearby. He would speak a word, and what He spoke would appear into existence. He did it with a few different things — one thing He called for was a horse. When I saw it appear, I understood it wasn’t just a regular horse, but it was a representation of the best horse in existence, and the same with the other things He called for. I woke up, and without really thinking about it, the thought came to me: “He is the Supreme Definer of what is good. And only He provides it.”
I know how natural it can be to start striving and fighting for what we consider good and necessary. Our hearts can so easily get so caught up in trying to provide for ourselves that we quickly stop resting in God as our Provider, and in so doing, stop receiving from Him in those areas. It’s quite a common thing in our culture to do, even amongst our churches. I want to encourage you to rest in God, Who fights to bring you what He defines as good to every aspect of your life.
“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him.”
— 2 Chronicles 16:9 (ESV)
Maybe you think, “But Daniel, I haven’t been blameless towards God. Just today
I did this and that…I haven’t earned His favor.” That may be true — that’s the beauty of the Gospel — it’s not about what you do, it’s about what He did. Jesus has paid for the removal of everything you’ve done which fails God’s perfect standard. And by His same payment, He has placed His own perfect acceptability to the Father on you. If you believe what Christ did for you, you’re clothed with the unearned favor of God Himself, and He now delights in showering you with all His benefits.
So hey, take some time today to get alone with God. Just close your eyes, knowing He loves and values you dearly. Don’t focus on your need, ability, or worthiness — focus on Him and His love for you. The blood of Jesus removes every stain of sin from you. He understands your needs better than you do; He knows the best fulfillment of them; He is delighted to call them into existence for you.
So precious reader, instead of striving and fighting for your needs, be still before God and let Him fight for you. You receive from Him by believing Him with your heart and speaking that belief with your mouth. It’s all paid for by Jesus’ blood, so receive from Him and rest in Him.
“The Lord Himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” — Exodus 14:14 NLT