May 20, 2016
by Rev. Nicholas J. Kersten
Director of Education and History
In the September 2015 edition of the Sabbath Recorder, the Christian Education Council unveiled this year’s Scripture Memory Program. Selected by our Conference President, the Rev. Dr. Ken Chroniger, the verses in this year’s program were focused on the Conference theme, “Faith, Family, Education.”
Churches were sent sample program literature with the completion certificates from the 2014-2015 program (for those members who completed it) in time to begin this year’s program in October. The program consists of nine short passages of Scripture which correspond to the nine months of the program, with one passage highlighted each month. As an alternative, participants are also permitted to memorize a chapter of the Bible (this year, it was Psalm 32).
Since the program was announced, across the Conference, Seventh Day Baptists have been working hard to memorize this year’s Scriptures as they hide God’s word in their hearts. This effort was promoted heavily by our Conference President during his travels, as he is hoping to have 500 individuals complete this year’s program. Successful completion of the program requires a witness to verify that the Scripture passages have been successfully memorized. Notice of the completion is to be submitted to your local church (probably to your Sabbath School Superintendent or Coordinator). They submit a report to the Conference offices so that you and your church can be properly recognized. The forms for reporting to the Conference office are available at the General Conference website: www.seventhdaybaptist.org/
scripturememory, or you can call and request printed copies from the Center directly by calling (608) 752-5055.
Individuals who successfully complete the program each year receive a certificate honoring their achievement. Individuals who successfully complete multiple years of the program are eligible for additional recognition.
Local SDB congregations who participate in the program have the possibility of being recognized through two awards given yearly. The first of these awards, the Mary G. Clare Scripture Memory Bowl, is given to the church with the most members who complete the program. A new award will also be given this year to the church with the highest percentage of the members who complete the program (a minimum number of members is required).
In order to qualify for the church awards, completed reporting forms from local churches are due back to the SDB Center (by postal mail or by email) by June 30, 2016. Completed forms received after the deadline will be accepted and completion certificates will still be sent! Emailed forms should be directed to nkersten@seventh daybaptist.org, while postal mail should be directed to the SDB Christian Ed Council, PO Box 1678, Janesville, WI 53547.
We look forward to celebrating with those who have completed the program this year at General Conference in Houghton, New York!
Information about this year’s Youth Conference, “Leaders Without Limits,” can be found online at the SDB General Conference blog (www.seventhdaybaptist.org)
or in the May 2016 Sabbath Recorder!
If you have questions about the changes to our youth program at General Conference sessions this coming year, please contact us!