May 20, 2016
by Micah Crandall
SDB Church in Milton, WI
When I was asked to write this article, there was only one thought going through my head,
You see, I’ve never been good at writing much of anything, much less an article. I felt the least qualified to do the job. But, as I finally got around to writing this down, I realized that God had a different plan for my limited writing skills than I had thought.
God has been putting something on my heart for a very long time and He finally let me know exactly what it was. Last night, I went to a meeting for Koininia. Koininia is a Greek word that means fellowship, and fellowship is like two fellows in a ship having a good time. That’s kind of the tag-line for Koininia — the founder and human director of the group, Larry Shultz, says it before every performance.
Koininia is a traveling musical of sorts, but this is also a missionary trip. We travel all over Wisconsin in our big green school bus with the Lord as our guide. Our three goals are:
1. Spread the gospel wherever God tells us to
2. Get to know Christ better
3. Have an absolute metric ton of fun!
I’ve done Koininia for four years (this will be my fifth) and it’s profoundly changed my view of a lot of things in my walk with Christ. God always tells Larry the idea for the script and Larry puts it into the show per His instructions. I’ve done a show about the Heart and a man’s search to have a heart attack by God. I’ve done a show about Revival which is so desperately needed. I’ve done a show about the Glory of God which is too massive to fully comprehend. Last year’s show was about Romans 1:16: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”
This year’s show is set to be the most shaking and radical we’ve ever done: God’s Word. Our theme is to go back to our roots and remind people of how great and beautiful His Word truly is — which is something we have forgotten.
This has really been on my heart for awhile now…a few years…ever since the last time I was able to go to Pre-con. That year I found out, that because of this denomination’s open atmosphere of trying to find the truth for ourselves, there were people and entire churches who were turning away from God’s word — people who believed that Jesus Christ is not the Risen King. That is a problem. Some of us have started trading out the Word of God for the words of man. This is sad to see because all that we need are the true words that flow from the Bible. It’s not just something to be used in church, or among Christian friends. It should be the basis of everything we do. It works for literally every situation we could ever have.
2 Timothy 3:16-17: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” This verse tells us that if we believe Scripture isn’t completely true, or that it isn’t fully applicable, we are wrong.
I ask for a radical step for us as a Church and for my fellow youth — fall absolutely in love with the Word. This is the best news, and we should be fully ready to fall in love with this news. I know that this isn’t the easiest pill for us to swallow. Reading the Bible is a big deal — a very huge commitment — however, so is following Jesus, which we all profess to do. I have had a challenge personally in picking up my Bible every day to read His Word. I am not perfect, and I still don’t always have that thirst for His Holy Scripture. But, I have come to recognize that the Bible is in fact the answer for all of my questions. It is truth. Every day I want the Word more and more. This is what has been burning on my heart. It is my prayer that I can take the step forward into reading the book constantly, allowing my life to be shaped by the Good News found within it.
When I was asked to write an article for The Beacon, I laughed, but hopefully God has used my voice to say something worthwhile. It is my prayer, my desire, and my hope that my generation can be one that is unafraid of the world. Instead, boldly go out to make disciples of all nations! It is my prayer that my generation would be one that is revived. I pray for revival among the youth of this nation and nations all over the world. My voice is small by itself, but that is why I pray for others to join me. Let us go and radically read the Living Word of a Living God!
Hebrews 4:12: “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” It is important to remember that we serve the Most High God, and that His Word is final. Our words will fade away, but His never will. So, let’s fall in love, shall we? Let us rediscover that the best thing is to hear His Word spoken plainly. No gimmicks, no ulterior motives, no prejudices. Let His Word speak for itself; it is enough.