Mar 23, 2017
by Katrina Goodrich
We are incredibly blessed as a denomination to have an established program like Summer Christian Service Corps (SCSC). It’s been equipping young adults for leadership for over 50 years and has made a transformative difference in the lives of its participants and those who come into contact with them. This isn’t the sort of program that many have an opportunity to be a part of. Yes, it has many similar qualities to a mission trip but there is a different focus.
The focus of a mission trip is on being a servant who shows the love of God to people, typically through tangible means. You go and build houses, wells, or work in a shelter, or run a VBS. These are all worthwhile endeavors that serve as a Christian maturing field. They contribute to the kingdom and have turned lives toward Christ — and yes these are things that we do in SCSC.
SCSC focuses on servant leadership. Now it may seem like there is little distinction between servant and servant leadership. The distinction is important to understand why SCSC is a unique opportunity. On the surface SCSC is a 3 or 4 week mission trip — but there is so much more to it than that. The program’s focus isn’t on the project and what the students accomplish while in the “mission field.” Though it is an integral and important part of the program, it’s more long-term than that. The goal is to raise up future leaders and give them knowledge and experience being a leader — a servant leader. It is long term.
I look at this program and see three parts: 1) Equip, 2) Send, 3) Sustain & Grow. First, students are given knowledge and experience through pre-training assignments and training (just ask a student about practicum time: if you were afraid of handling a group of kids, you won’t be after your turn). It’s okay if you don’t think you’re the “leader” type because that is what training is all about: equipping students with the ability to lead. Not everyone in SCSC is the next Billy Graham or Kirk Cameron— that’s ok. It doesn’t mean you aren’t a leader. Second, the students go on project and put what they’ve learned at training into practice. They have the opportunity to test their leadership while serving in a short-term mission environment. Third, we have the biggest piece of the program: sustain and grow. Students are expected to take what they’ve learned and use it beyond the summer in their lives. The lessons of servant leadership they learned in SCSC should sustain and build a foundation so that they can continue to grow.
Think about SCSC this summer and pray for the students and projects and the long-term goal of this program. Here is a handy list of the students and their projects for this summer so that you can provide your support and prayer.
ASHAWAY, Rhode Island
Project Director—Beth Brown
Randi Gammons, Texarkana, Arkansas
Victoria Richards, Blue Mountain District, Jamaica
BAY AREA, California
Project Directors—Lindsay Crouch and Rebecca Crouch
Caleb Gammons, Texarkana, Arkansas
Bethany Rihn, Boulder, Colorado
SHILOH, New Jersey
Project Director—Pastor Phil Lawton
Michaella Osborn, Boulder Colorado
Jevaughnie Martin, Blue Mountain District, Jamaica
Project Director—Kory Langley
Sarina Villalpando, San Bernardino, California
Dustin Tio, New Auburn, Wisconsin