Mar 23, 2017
by Patti Wethington
As you are reading this it will be April and I’m sitting here writing with March winds blowing at 60 miles an hour! The refreshing showers of April are now upon us cleansing the winter snow away. Those of us living in more extreme seasons welcome the warmth, refreshing sunshine and, of course, Spring. With that said, I am also feeling time pressing on to the approaching summer General Conference. I’d like to share a couple things in the next issues of the Sabbath Recorder about what to expect and experience during our week together.
As I’ve shared in previous writings, I have been praying for God’s divine leading and intervention in all that is planned and prepared for the coming summer gathering. One of the experiences will be with Dustin Willis, the writer of Life on Mission (co-authored by Aaron Coe). I met Dustin at a conference in Colorado and he agreed to share his story and personal mission experience with us at our event. I continue to follow his life story as he serves in ministry and have read his books Life on Mission and Life in Community. I have ordered his newest book released, The Simplest Way to Change the World: Biblical Hospitality as a Way of Life (co-authored with Brandon Clements). I challenge you to do the same.
Dustin’s desire is to see everyday people join together in the history-sweeping mission of God. Currently, he serves with the North American Mission Board and speaks across North America. Dustin earned his bachelor’s degree in marketing from Clemson University and his master’s degree from Liberty Theological Seminary. Dustin is a regular contributor at sendnetwork.com. Dustin lives in metro Atlanta with his wife, Renie, and their two children, Jack and Piper. He is one really great reason to come to California and join together in learning and fellowship.
Another plan for Conference includes a friend of mine in Michigan, Emily Klotz. Emily directs a dynamic women’s ministry that has evolved through prayer and intersession. She coaches and counsel’s women’s needs, lives within a rich and powerful prayer life, and speaks words of inspiration into the lives of those who connect with her ministry. She is passionate about helping people know who they are in Christ, know His love for them, and live the abundant, victorious life that Jesus has planned for each of them! She desires to help people grow strongly rooted in the Word of God, and that they also learn to fly freely in the gifts and purpose God has for their lives. To accomplish this, Emily functions in apostolic and prophetic gifts. Her highest goal is to bring glory to God and bear fruit for his Kingdom.
Emily lives in Cadillac, Michigan with her husband, Dan, and two teenage children, Analynne and Levi. Together, they pastor Res Life Church — Cadillac, and have been in ministry for 18 years. Emily will be speaking at our Women’s Banquet afternoon retreat session and spending several days on campus joining together in our ministry events.
Please pray together with me as these preparations are made that God’s presence will be felt in all that is planned. Pray that the message and purpose in this challenge to live our Life on Mission to touch lives for Jesus can be manifest in our daily lives — and that lives will be changed.
Philemon 1:6 “…and I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ.”