Mar 23, 2017
by Moses Lyons
Toronto SDB Church, Canada
As we grow up, we realize and learn certain things about ourselves and our surroundings — certain things such as what we like and dislike, our favorite foods and colors, and what type of person we choose to be. We start to form our own opinions about life and other matters in the world. However, as children, we usually just focus on what’s right in front of us. What are we going to eat when we are hungry? How can we cure this boredom? How fast can I do my chores so that I’ll still have time to go out and play?
There’s a sense of innocence we see in that as adults. We look at kids who have those mindsets as if they’ve seen nothing yet and that is true in a sense. They have yet to deal with any real consequence outside of detention time, but there is something we can learn from that type of thinking. Mark 10:13-15 talks about when the disciples rebuked the parents of those who brought their children so that they could touch Jesus. At that moment Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”
That scripture is known by many people but it is often taken out of context or not fully understood. Jesus is not telling you to act like a child in the way that you never grow up or take responsibilities because the Bible also speaks about putting away childish things in 1 Corinthians 13:11. Instead, it is saying that we should focus on what is most important — and that is Jesus Christ. When we mature, we also inherit something dangerous — independence. Independence is good in one way and one way only. Be independent of the world and dependent on God. That doesn’t mean exclude yourself from all of your friends and distance yourself from any social activities. But who do you run to when you have a problem? Who is on your mind first when trouble comes? Your solution shouldn’t be to just watch TV to get your mind off of it. Neither should it be to jump onto social media and tweet about it or post something on Facebook. Your solution should be and always is Jesus Christ.
When children are in trouble they know who to run to. They don’t consult their friends or think about if this problem is too big or too small to go to their parents about it. The same should be for us as God’s children. We shouldn’t focus on what surrounds us or what is the easiest to go to — because it’s Jesus. It’s so easy for children to call their mommy or daddy when they’re in any need at all — but once we grow up we feel it to be too childish to call out to our Father above. Just as quickly as a mother would run to the aid of her child, Jesus will be there for you. Let’s not focus on what we feel is the most mature or the most responsible thing to do when we are in trouble. Let us just call out to our Almighty Father first and foremost when we need help.