Apr 26, 2017
Each year the SDB Christian Education Council solicits nominees for the Sabbath School Teacher of the Year
Any member church (or branch church) of the General Conference may nominate ONE Sabbath School teacher (Nursery through Adult).
Selection for this award shall be based on the following criteria:
The Sabbath School Teacher of the Year shall :
- exhibit the qualities of faith and teaching found in the life and teachings of Christ
- serve as a Sabbath School Teacher
- be a member of the nominating church
- have other Christian education service that shall contribute to a fuller appreciation of the nominee’s Christian service
A church whose nominee has received the Crystal Apple Award is ineligible for the following three years.
The Christian Education Council selects a person from those nominated to be honored at General Conference. This person receives a certificate of award and a crystal apple.
The deadline for nominations for this award for the 2016-2017 Conference year is May 31, 2017. The nomination form can be downloaded here. Upon completion of the nomination form, it should be sent to Peggy Chroniger either by email (chroniger@gmail.com) or by postal mail (5940 St Rt 21, Alfred Station, NY 14803).
Nominations sent by postal mail must be postmarked by May 31 to be accepted.