May 22, 2017
By Daisy Moitinho and Amaury Moitinho
To be translator at SDB World Federation Sessions was an honor and a blessing. We asked the Lord to help us to translate exactly what He wanted to speak to everybody there, and we thank the Lord for His help. It was wonderful to meet people from all parts of the world speaking the same language — we mean Seventh Day Baptist language. It was a big challenge to understand all kinds of “Englishes” there. We thank Clinton Brown for his help in translating English to English for us. We thank all participants for their patience when we did not understand them and asked them to repeat and all of them were very nice to us.
The informal conversations during the meals and outside the sessions were very helpful to understand the view of each nation. Although all conferences are different in their beliefs, cultures, and in the way they worship the Lord, we could not notice any problem among them. Participants were very interested to know how each other works as they shared experiences. Daisy translated for the Report Review Committee and it was hard work, but the group worked together in a very smooth way. Amaury worked with the Constitution Review Committee and he had the opportunity to learn more about the organization of the SDB World Federation. It was a wonderful experience to learn more about our church not only in Brazil, but around the world. We thank the Lord for this opportunity.