Jun 23, 2017
By Patti Wethington
The Conference Year is quickly coming to an end. All that was dreamed and prayed over is being finalized and the finishing touches in place. I’m thankful for your prayers and support that kept me on track and encouraged me — and oh, I’m so excited for this year’s gathering. You all know this is my home state and I was born in Long Beach, California. I’m looking forward to joining everyone at Azusa for our events, for sharing, for spending time together, and to see how God will bless us while we are there together.
Several things to know about California: It’s about 2,092 miles from east coast to west coast. I know that we do not find ourselves in California for General Conference too often. When we do, I know that many of you enjoy the opportunity to explore a few of the sights, entertainment, and the variety of outdoor experiences. One of my favorite places to go is Huntington Pier in Huntington Beach, CA. There is enough beach for everyone and often there are surfing competitions, beach volleyball events, or some other activities including an ideal place to fly kites. If you ever shop at a Hollister clothing store, they always have a live cam of Huntington Pier on a big screen in their store. It makes me home sick!!!
A few fun facts about California: its nickname is the “Golden State” after the 1849 gold rush; there are a lot of people in California — around 39 million (ranked #1) and to be more specific 13 million in LA; it has the highest and lowest points in the contiguous USA with Mt. Whitney at 14,494 ft. and Death Valley at 282 ft. below sea level, the tallest trees on earth (the tallest at 379 ft.), the most national parks in one state, the hottest place on earth (in Death Valley — recorded at 134 degrees in 1913), and it is known as the fruit basket of America. California accounts for about half of fruit acreage in the USA. It is the largest producer of grapes, strawberries, peaches, nectarines, kiwifruit, prunes, plums, dates, avocadoes, lemons, tangerines, garlic, and onions. Yum, my favorite … peaches!!! California is ranked first in the USA in the production of total milk, butter, ice cream, nonfat dry milk, and whey protein concentrate. California is also known as the “Land of Innovation and Inventions”…Apple computer, Barbie doll, theme park
(Disneyland), Frisbee, blue jeans and Fortune cookies are only a few of many things invented in California. There’s so much more to tell about California — finally, I’ll mention that the world’s first McDonald’s restaurant opened in San Bernardino, CA. So to sum things up, there will be traffic (drive defensively), the weather should be warm and beaches inviting (bring sunscreen), there’s plenty of healthy food (must try avocados), most importantly, ice cream at mealtime and a few discussions about the difference between McD’s and In and Out. So excited to share all this with you. Check out more facts online at http://californiafacts.facts.co/funcaliforniafactsabout/californiafacts.php
Like everywhere we go there are people, stories, history and fun facts. I share all this with you because it’s my home, I love California and there are many times I miss my home state with all its diversity. God called PB and me to serve in Michigan where my ministry continues. Whether here or there, I know that there are people in need of the saving knowledge and relationship with Jesus all around us. We are commissioned to touch lives for Jesus. Whether we live in a Mecca or a lazy country town, we need to be ready, prepared, and willing to share our knowledge of Jesus and Live on Mission as commanded.
I hope to see you in California. If you are unable to attend, please take time to connect to the events broadcast via the internet. I will be praying for you as I trust you will continue
to pray for all that is planned at Azusa Pacific College this July. Let me also say that I’m grateful for the outstanding host committee, headed up by Norm and Vicki Burdick, supporting and preparing things in CA.
Don’t forget to register, too.
Thank you for entrusting me with the planning of this conference. Hope to see you in Cali!!!!
From my heart to yours,