Aug 28, 2017
by Patti Wethington
SDB Church, White Cloud, MI
There are so many reflections that have passed through my thoughts as I returned home from California. I am so blessed by all of you who could make the trip West and join us at Azusa Pacific University. All things considered, the weather was balanced and not too overbearing. The Tuesday night traditional basketball game blessed us with a gentle breeze and a break in the temperature. By the way, the Pastors won! I also think about the 1,000 to 1,500 universal attendees that joined each day via the internet. That astounded me and was far beyond what I prayed for when thinking of those who just could not attend. Imagine all those people at Azusa!!!! I’m thankful for the work that Jeremiah Owen does to share the experience, move our information out in reachable forms, and provide the opportunity for so many to receive.
Conference was amazing and everything I prayed and dreamed it would be. I’m so thankful for a very present, positive Host Committee who served until there were no more service needs. I watched them tirelessly meet the needs of every request. Thank you to all who served this year with the host team. We were blessed by your gift of time and sacrifice during a very busy event. I can’t forget to mention that every year Doug Macintosh, Allen Hauber and Joel Osborn, quietly behind the scenes, make everything sound and look so good. You guys are the best!! My heart thanks you for all you tirelessly do! I don’t want to forget all those who worked on special assignments, taught in break-out sessions, worked with the Youth, Young Adult, and Children’s Associated Conferences. We have a unique experience to offer at our General Conference event and not one contribution of time, talent, and gifts should go unnoticed! Thank you…
I have prayed that everyone was inspired by the speakers slated at special times for personal growth, blessing, and learning. Dustin Willis’ presentation exemplified the meaning of Life on Mission and the inspiration for our year-long journey. I’m grateful for his message…for those of you who did not hear it live, it’s archived with the conference presentations at http://bit.ly/SDB2017 …listen and be influenced by his passion and mission. Alan Briggs’ presence was vital and alive with personal engagement and inspiration for a calling that is true and simple. I personally enjoyed every moment of Alan’s presence and inviting spirit! Emily Klotz shared from her heart. I’m grateful for all that Emily and her family contributed to our GC event. They gifted us with talents, time and loving presence!
So grateful for Carl Greene and his “multimedia box” filled with surprises and daily messages from Ephesians Chapters 1-4. He opened our eyes to new and engaging ways for our churches to examine the “Pulse” and health of existence. It is only with courage and determination that we take the journey through evaluating “An Autopsy of a Dying Church” and pray diligently for God to open our eyes to the needs and opportunities awaiting us to strengthen the health of our local churches. Thank you for your work throughout the year with the Church Revitalization Task Force and sharing with conviction each day of Conference.
Kevin Butler — What JoY! Thank you for how you do what you do! Your “Blasts” were well articulated and I’m sure part of the reason my lungs will never be the same! Thank you for answering the call, creating the moments, and making information fun in “Butler Blast” style. Forever changed by the likes of you!!!
The morning testimonies were timely, heartfelt and personal. Thank you, Dan Richards, Gabe Graffius, Keith Ashley, Dan Klotz and David Fox.
The music was intentional. I asked Jenna Killingbeck to embrace the music and engage our GC participants in worship that was filled with the Spirit of God and prepared our hearts to receive God’s spoken word. She took the calling seriously and with the sermon outline and the Life on Mission theme, she prayed for months over each song and word spoken. Thank you, Jenna, for hearing and responding to God’s calling. Oh by the way….when we got home we found out that she is expecting #3 baby (which she secretly hopes are twins).
It was truly a blessing to have Charlotte and Don Chroniger sitting in sessions and together. The Choir presentations were such a blessing. Thank you both for willing spirits and serving hearts.
The sermon line-up was everything I prayed it would be. Each night our speakers grabbed the essence of our Life on Mission theme, moved us through what it means to have a heartfelt Encounter with God, Equip us for the work that is waiting to be done, and Empower us with a choice to make a difference or move out of the way!!! God will do immeasurably more that we ask or think according to the power that works with in us!!! We must choose to embrace a Mission lifestyle and engage with those who are right within our reach!
Thank you Dusty Mackintosh, Andy (“Andymon”) Samuels, John Pethtel, Alan Briggs, Gabe Bejjani and my “sandwich” preacher Nathan Crandall who set the stage Sunday night and wrapped it all together Sabbath morning. Forever I will be grateful for your presence and contribution to the message and theme of Life on Mission: Touching lives for Jesus! It’s what matters most in God’s calling.
I know that my life has been changed by this calling and the experience of serving our church in leadership. I have been blessed beyond measure and will forever remember the love and support of all who contributed to General Conference 2016-17 Life on Mission: Touching lives for Jesus!