Oct 26, 2017
by Clinton R. Brown
Executive Director
Now this I say, he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully. 2 Corinthians 9:6
Please consider discussing with your family if you can add some of these to your Christmas gift list this year. We have Seventh Day Baptist families around the world who are hoping for a brother’s help to better share the Gospel or minister in Christ’s name to those of their community in greatest need.
It is a high priority for us that we partner with the local congregations and that they invest in the ministries that we undertake. We seek accountability of funds used in each related project and each is to be specifically for a Seventh Day Baptist ministry. If you send the gift in the name of someone else, upon your request we can contact that person with a thank you card letting him know how his gift was put to use.
Emergency Relief Funds
□ 1 – Life Saving Food
(Suggested Gift: $35)
□ 2 – Emergency Medicine
(Suggested Gift: $25)
□ 3 – Clean Water for a Family
(Suggested Gift: $15)
□ 4 – Disaster Relief Supplies
Urgent Need
(Suggested Gift: $50)
Children’s Ministries
□ 5 – Shoes and Clothing
(Suggested Gift: $25)
□ 6 – Help Orphans transition
into Christian homes
(Suggested Gift: $30)
□ 7 – Buy Seeds for sustainable
food gardens in Uganda
(Suggested Gift: $25)
□ 8 – Life Saving Mosquito Nets
(Suggested Gift: $10)
Gifts Under $15
□ 9 – Hot Meals (Suggested Gift: $7)
□ 10 – Soccer Balls for Young Adult
Ministry (Suggested Gift: $8)
□ 11 – Shipping Blankets
Urgent Need
(Suggested Gift: $6)
□ 12 – Missionary Society
Membership for a friend
(Suggested Gift: $10)
Evangelism and Discipleship
□ 13 – Evangelist/Pastor Training Bibles
(Suggested Gift: $20)
□ 14 – Motorcycles for the Mission Field
(Suggested Gift: $1100/
Share the Cost: $110)
□ 15 – Ship SDB Helping Hand Overseas
for a year (Suggested Gift: $22)
□ 16 – Share of Mission Lodging &
Transport (Suggested Gift: $100)
Construction Projects
□ 17 – Freshwater Wells in Thirsty
Communities (Suggested Gift: $400/
Share the Cost: $40)
□ 18 – Metal roof on a Constructed Church
(Suggested Gift $1200/
Share the Cost: $15/sheet)
□ 19 – Build a House for a Low Income
Pastor’s Family (Suggested Gift:
$4,000/Share the Cost: $50)
Contributions for gifts can be sent to:
SDB Missions
PO Box 156, Ashaway RI 02804
or give online at: WWW.SDBMISSIONS.ORG
SDB Missionary Society is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the IRS codes.