Mar 20, 2018
By Sarina Villalpando
Maranatha Community Church in Colton, CA
A couple of weeks ago I watched a buzzfeed video where they challenged themselves to do a hundred squats for thirty days. The video consisted of three people, two females and one male. The video takes you throughout the different days from each participant’s perspective. In the beginning, the participants have doubts about how it’ll be for them. They feel that they are going to struggle to succeed but feel that the outcome will be worth it. As the challenge went on, the participants found the 100 squats to be a piece of cake and not so much as a chore. They would find ways to incorporate the squats into their lives, such as when watching TV or reading a book.
I found the end results of this challenge intriguing and inspirational, and decided to try it for myself. In the first week, I found it hard to do them because they hurt my knee—but I pushed through. I learned to start to incorporate them throughout my day. Days I was busy, I would do them throughout the day whenever I got the chance, instead of taking away a whole chunk of time. Throughout this process I felt stronger, in better shape, and mentally stronger because I pushed myself.
Doing this challenge got me more than just stronger legs—it brought me inspiration. It takes thirty days to make a habit. So maybe 30-day challenges are a good thing. Is there something you’ve really been wanting to try? Turn it into a challenge! Whether it’s going to the gym, eating better, or even doing more devotions—it doesn’t hurt to try. Get creative with it! Maybe try running for ten minutes every day, reading a chapter a day, or even drinking a glass of water in the morning. Set alarms and reminders on your calendars. Find it a challenge for yourself because you never know what results you’ll get. In a year from now you’re going to wish you started today. So get started! I look forward to hearing all the different challenges you guys come up with—and if you need help, I’ll come up with one for you!