Apr 26, 2018
by Mayola Warner
Think about it. Do you ever worry about anything? Are you ever frustrated or perplexed? Who isn’t?
I want to share a very important remedy that Garth’s Mom often shared. Since she had a close relationship with God, she trusted Him for His direction in life. She would encourage others by saying, “It will work out!”
A few months ago, I had a near death experience. My pulse went down to 30 and, as it says in Psalm 23, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for Thou are with me.” And He was. He brought me back to a normal heart beat and told me, “Mayola, I brought you back because I have things for you to do. Number one: witness more for Me. Number two: do for others. Whatever thoughts I give you to do for service for others, do it.”
Then I had a pacemaker put in. Since then I have never felt better. It worked out.
I have always enjoyed doing embroidery and cross stitch work. Recently, on a very small piece of cloth, I stitched Mom’s saying, “It will work out!” I then attached it to a matching-size magnet. On the back of the magnet, I placed Mom’s belief that she always prayed and trusted God for the results. Why don’t you make a “fridge writing” to give away?