![COME ALIVE! Bringing Revival to the Church—Maybe Yours!](/home/sdbmedia/public_html/sabbathrecorder/wp-content/uploads/et_temp/ComeAlive-150x150-583818_140x140.jpg)
May 23, 2018
By Pastor Wayne North
New Auburn FREEDOM Community Church hosted the COME ALIVE! 2018 Revival Conference from April 11 to 14. Guest speakers were Pastor Barry Baugh of Teen Challenge and Pastor Dale Smalley. Evening revival services were heavily attended. These events included inspirational and transformation messages, along with dynamic worship and ministry opportunities. Hearts, souls, and bodies were touched as God’s presence brought dozens to salvation, healings, and deliverances to those who attended. Hundreds attended the evening services as well as Sabbath morning. God showed up and ruined many people’s “nice, comfortable” religion. We expected God’s miraculous presence and Kingdom power to show up—and He did! We decided to destroy the “churchy atmosphere” that relies on programs and to restore the presence of God. COME ALIVE! aims to restore God’s almighty presence back into our churches once again, and to restore the ability to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. It’s time for His Church to grow in Spiritual depth, maturity ,and numbers. Be empowered and instructed by those who walk in the Gifts and have decades of experience at a COME ALIVE! at your church.
Pastor Wayne North used Friday and Saturday to present the aspects of the balanced approach and potential of the Biblical “5-Fold” ministry (some consider it the 4-Fold) to mature and equip the churches, as well as the presentation and discussion of the Fruit of the Spirit and other Gifts of the Spirit. We evaluated the Gifts, identified people with those Gifts and the meshing of them together for the ministering of the Gospel and the effectiveness of the church. The Biblical and balanced use of these Gifts, within the Fruit of the Spirit, allow the Body of Christ to be effective and complete in the ministering of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our churches could, and maybe should, be doubling in size every year! It’s time for us to realize God’s design and expectation for His Church (which includes our churches).
God intends for the Church to be equipped and ready to minister the Gospel to the world. God’s Kingdom doesn’t just come in Word, but in power. We are living in a time where churches have a form of Godliness but deny its power. Maybe that is why the Church appears to be dormant and irrelevant for the 21st century. For many are called but few are chosen. To whom God calls, He equips. To those He equips, He completes. To those He completes, He empowers. To those He empowers, He sends. It is the vision of COME ALIVE! to recognize, equip, and empower churches and their people to be effective and victorious in their ability to release the Gospel into all the world. Maybe your church, or even you, feel weak and ill-equipped to minister the Gospel. Our churches should expect consistent and flourishing salvations and transformations in their everyday walk. The Church is supposed to be storming the gates of Hades and snatching the lost, broken, and defeated from the clutches of the enemy. COME ALIVE! allows your church to get a “spiritual check-up” periodically just like we do for our natural bodies.
Some questions to ponder: What’s your purpose? What’s your calling? Where’s your place in ministry? Why aren’t people coming to Christ on a daily basis in our churches? What gifts are missing, immature, or dormant in your church? Does your church rely upon programs or God’s power?
We would like to offer COME ALIVE! Revival Conference to you and your church. Maybe you haven’t done it this way before? Maybe you’re tired of religious activities? God has provided a framework for the Church to be flourishing and growing especially in these evil and dark days. Are you? Is your church and its ministries? It’s time for YOU and her to COME ALIVE! Feel free to contact us for more information at pastornorth@hotmail.com, or 715 642-0229. God bless and keep looking up!
- Pastor Dale Smalley
- Pastor Barry Baugh