Jun 25, 2018
by Rob Appel
Executive Director
I had a wonderful experience on June 4th! Cheri and I were in Big Bear, CA, and she was not getting around well. She was in such pain just to stand and walk. I called the local hospital to see about borrowing a wheelchair. They did not have one but directed me to other places in the area, who then directed me to others, and so on and so on. One of the leads was the Lutheran Social Services (LSS)—I went to their offices because they did not answer their phone. But alas, they did not have a wheelchair and took down my name and number.
It could have been too easy to just give up!
I got two full blocks from their offices and they called me back informing me that a lady by the name of Margaret had found one! I went to see Margaret and she had walkers as well as the wheelchair and, when I contacted Cheri, she thought the walker would be fine. I asked Margaret if she needed anything to ensure that I would bring it back and she said, “The Holy Spirit talks to me and lets me know who is all right and who is not…you are okay.” It is so cool when the HS shares with us someone who is a kindred spirit! And no, I did not let her know up until that point who I worked for or my title.
Do you ever feel like giving up? Ever feel like quitting? Do you feel like your situation is so hopeless that the only thing you can do is quit? When this happens, the temptation is to simply give up. All of us have faced this situation—when it seems pointless to keep trying. Some of you are probably facing it now. You may be hiding it well so that the rest of us would never suspect the struggle that’s taking place in your life. The question for us Christians is, “How do we keep holding on when we feel like giving up?” How can we find the strength to persevere and go on? Where does the power come from to keep us going? There are three principles you can store in your heart for that day when you’re tempted just to throw in the towel and give up.
Trust in God’s Sovereignty
God is in control. No matter how hopeless, painful, unpleasant, or discouraging your circumstances are, God has a purpose for them. He has a purpose for you and that purpose does not involve giving up. The struggle you are going through has meaning and purpose, because God is sovereign and He does everything for a reason. He does not make mistakes and He isn’t surprised by what has happened to you.
Trust in God’s Power
When we become hopeless and can see no escape from our situation and it seems impossible that our circumstances will change for the better, God can make a way. Our God specializes in resurrections—He can bring life to dead relationships. He is the Creator—He can cause loving feelings and attitudes to be created out of nothing. He can transform people and situations in ways that we are unable to foresee. He can do it! God is able to do whatever it takes to fulfill His plan for you!
Place Your Hope in Christ
Whether or not God chooses to change our circumstances, ultimately our hope is not in what He is going to do for us on this earth, in this life. Our true hope is in Jesus Christ. Our true hope is in the forgiveness of sins and eternal life that comes from faith in Christ and that puts everything into perspective.
What is the result of placing our trust in God? It is hope, joy, and peace.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. —Romans 15:13
Don’t give up…Give it to God!