Sep 5, 2018
By Keli Watt
God was at work in Kenosha this year as He brought staff and children together
to remind us all that in every situation—JESUS RESCUES! Using a VBS program from Group Publishing called “Shipwrecked,” we explored how Jesus rescues us no matter what our situation or what we have done. Between 42 and 47 children per day rotated in centers that allowed them to discover situations in the Bible, sing and dance, use their imaginations, use their bodies and snack on yummy creations, all of which focused on reminding them that Jesus is there to rescue them.
The program ran smoothly, despite some unexpected challenges at the beginning and the reminder that, even when adults are feeling stressed, JESUS RESCUES! Many people answered the call to work with the children this year and we are grateful to Ellen Olson, Samantha and Bill Fick, Abigail Noel, Elianna and Madge Chroniger, Keli Watt, and SCSC workers. The director, Emily Watt, was always present to guide, troubleshoot, and make us laugh.
In the afternoon, the adventure continued with two trips to an indoor water park called RecPlex, a pond study at the Pringle Nature Center, and yummy sweetness at the Jelly Belly Factory Tour. Yay Host Committee for arranging transportation, with special thanks to Jon Cruzan whose calm assurance that everything would work out was contagiousand helped us all remember that, when there appears to be way more children than seats—JESUS RESCUES! Gratitude to Steve Moncrief and the Shiloh bus for being there for us every afternoon!
We finished our week with a program (at the crack of 8:00 a.m.) that allowed the children to showcase what they had learned during the week. Many people were there to show support. The children were reminded that, when we’re nervous—JESUS RESCUES!
Special thanks to the families who supported the program in many ways: supplying curious and eager children, being responsive to the remind texts you received throughout the week, encouraging and showing your appreciation to the staff, and for helping make this an awesome experience for all of us!