Sep 6, 2018
By Karen Payne
The Robe of Achievement committee consisting of Janet Butler, Marcy Kersten, and Karen Payne chose this year’s recipient from several worthy nominations. Like many previous Robe recipients, our honoree is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She has been a member of only one church where she serves as a deaconess. Our recipient is a breast cancer survivor. That narrows down the possibilities a little, doesn’t it? This lady has served on the Board of Christian Education for 39 years in various roles, including president, vice president, and Youth Committee Chairman.
Amanda Snyder is our 2018 Robe of Achievement recipient. Amanda has been a member of the Alfred Station Seventh Day Baptist Church in New York where she has served as organist, choir director, VBS director, Sabbath School teacher, Christian Education Chairperson, Music Worship Chairperson for over 50 years, member of the chime choir, SCSC project director and, as previously mentioned, deaconess for over 25 years. Amanda was also a fair booth witness.
The community of Alfred Station would be lost without her being there to be a vocal coach, piano teacher, and participant in community choirs.
Many of you may remember Amanda and her husband, Nelson, directing Youth Pre-Con and also serving on the staff of others. They were Association Youth Directors, and served as association camp directors and staff. She also directed the conference choir, served on the staff of Family Pre-Con, led a workshop at Conference, sang in a trio for the Women’s Banquet and participated in the Scripture Memorization Program.
Amanda’s amazing grace during her fight against breast cancer was a constant witness to those around her. The Alfred Station church and community have truly been blessed to have Amanda in their midst for so many years. Thank you, Amanda, for all you contributed to your family, church, community and to us as a denomination. We are very pleased to honor Amanda L. Snyder as our Robe of Achievement recipient for 2018.