Sep 26, 2018
By Katrina Goodrich
Excerpts from the exit testimonies of SCSC students from Team Breathe
After being told about SCSC, I believed it would be an excellent way to grow in the Lord and serve others at the same time, so I sent in my application.
At the beginning of this summer, I began to question why I chose to do SCSC. I was enjoying being home from college and I didn’t want to leave my friends and family for six weeks.
However, the reason God called me to serve this summer quickly became clear.
I came in with negative thoughts, but they were immediately changed at training. I was instantly filled with joy. There was a reason God put SCSC into my path again.
God called me to serve in SCSC despite everything I was worried about and the anxiety that came with it. I believe God chose me to do SCSC this summer because He had a purpose for me.
I knew that SCSC would be good for me, both personally and spiritually; however, the extent to which that was true was something I wasn’t prepared for. God put me in situations this summer that tested my ability to evangelize.
Two kids had a hard time at first. One in particular needed extra attention due to his mental disability. We were really stressed out about them. That only made it even sweeter when they both improved greatly over the course of the week—enough to the point that they could sit still, listen to the lesson, and ask a lot of questions. Many of the kids really had a curiosity as to who God and Jesus are. God used me as an instrument to tell them.
Just like at camp, God had put the right people in my path over the course of the project to help me grow in Him.
It was the toughest camp I have ever counseled at but it was where I grew the most. Leaning on God became normal for me. I read and prayed more than I have ever done and my faith grew more than I ever thought it could. That kept the struggle peaceful.
There were times that I wanted to pull my hair out—and God was with me then. He was with me when I was tired and felt like I was done, when the day was only halfway through.
Many of the kids came from very troubled backgrounds. Many had been abused and the majority had never been to church. I have such a heart for kids like this. It was amazing to watch the campers listen to the messages, to be able to plant seeds of God’s word in their hearts. I felt extremely blessed to have the opportunity to work with these students and to show God’s unconditional love to them.
I was really pushed out of my comfort zone. I was placed in situations which allowed me to start conversations to help people understand that Jesus loves them but can’t abide with them in their sinful state.
I believe God led me to evangelism this summer. I was fully equipped with the tools and knowledge I needed to return home and continue.
Throughout this summer God has used me to inspire and encourage kids to find joy in Him and to keep on believing that they can do anything with His help.
I thank God for all those who made my SCSC participation possible this year. I was able to serve and grow. My heart is forever changed because of my time in SCSC.
I will continue to do service in my home church and I plan on continuing being involved in visiting people in nursing homes and an after school kids program.
I have learned a lot this summer and I intend to try these techniques and activities at home and help our staff develop these skills as well.
I learned about the beauty that hides in brokenness, in weakness, in differences, in hopelessness, in grace, in love, and in joy. This summer, God taught me He can use anyone to do His work if they’re willing.
Although it wasn’t what I expected, SCSC gave me opportunities to grow and strengthen my faith.