Oct 26, 2018
By Willy Villalpando
Stop. Breathe in. Count to 5. Breathe out. Relax your shoulders. Close your eyes. Breathe in. Count. Breathe out.
Does anyone else get caught up in all the things you’ve said yes to? Like you finally finish one thing and before you can take a breath, four more things need your immediate attention? Come on, I can’t be the only one raising their hand here. Sometimes I feel like I’ve said “yes” to so many things that by the time I’ve finished them all I don’t have any energy left to do anything else. But why do we do this? Are we trying to prove that we are capable, are we scared of letting people down, or are we just so excited about the opportunities that we don’t think before we say “yes”? Are we trying to prove to God that we are faithful and can do it?
But why? Why are we trying to prove to God who we are when He already knows us deeply and personally? Let’s think about the story of Mary and Martha. Martha is playing host all by herself—and you can almost feel her frustration and stress as she runs through her to-do lists, making sure everything is perfect for the Savior sitting in the dining room. She is stressed to the point where she finally calls out to Jesus and says, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself?” (Luke 10:40). But, what is Mary doing? She is sitting at the feet of the Savior. She is resting in His presence and allowing God to be God. She isn’t trying to prove anything. She is listening. She lets everything else fade away and basks in His presence.
Am I telling you the only way to worship and bask in God’s presence is just to drop everything you’re doing and stop? No! Jesus responds to Martha by saying, “You are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41) So yes, Jesus told us to come sit at His feet, but let’s also look at what He did not say. He didn’t tell Martha that her work was blasphemous or evil. Her hospitality was extremely important considering Jesus and His disciples had been on such a long trip. They needed the hospitality that Martha was offering. God LOVES us and our work ethic. Rather, Jesus is reminding us when we feel like we are not enough or when we feel like no one cares: go to Him. Let the world fade away and simply turn to Jesus. Breathe in His presence and rest in His love. I think Kari Jobe said it well when she wrote:
“I want to sit at your feet
Drink from the cup in your hands
Lay back against you and breathe
Feel your heart beat.
This love is so deep
It’s more than I can stand
I melt in your peace
It’s overwhelming.”
Let God be your peace when you get overwhelmed with all of the things on your To-Do list. He sees you, and He loves you.
I’ve read a couple awesome devotionals related to taking a breath when we are getting overwhelmed. So check them out if you’re interested:
• Spread Too Thin: Opting Out of Frantic Living. Opting in to Lasting Peace
by Ellen Miller
or if you have the Bible App:
• “Finding Rest in a Busy World” by Susan Narjala