Dec 26, 2018
by Donna S. Bond
“Keep those babies coming,” I like to say to young, Christian, married couples, “because the world needs more Christians.” Well, I can’t really take credit for what happened in the Shiloh area…only God can work the miracles we celebrated on October 20, 2018. On that date, FIVE young married couples brought their babies to church for dedication: Rich and Kate Bond with Anna Lee; Tyler and Jenn Chroniger with Nolan; Dave and Courtney Mattus with Molly; Kyle and Julie Uhland with Kylie; and Travis and Emmily Uhland with Avery.
Assistant Pastor Phil Lawton opened the worship service with devotional comments about “New Life,” which is not limited to infants. The Ladies’ Chorus then sang How Beautiful.
Pastor Don Chroniger called the families to the front of the sanctuary, where he talked about parents’ unconditional love being a reflection of God’s love for us. He said this love is “caught, not taught.” (Pastor Don also commented that, having served in Shiloh for 29 years, he is the only pastor most of the parents could remember; “such is the Circle of Life.”)
As he blessed each child individually, Don invited the extended families to stand, saying “Some of you will be standing a l…o…n…g time,” since Kylie, Avery and Molly share one set of grandparents and great-grandparents.
“May the Lord bless you and keep you; may He make His face to shine upon you…and give you His Peace,” he told each infant as he handed the parents a certificate, Baby’s First Bible, and a white flower signifying purity. Pastor Don closed this portion of the service by praying for the extended families and the church family to support and encourage these new parents in raising their children to follow Jesus. In addition to numerous grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins to the infants, there were at least ten great-grandparents present.
But wait! Encore! Encore! On November 10, Colin and Melissa Scull brought Louise Emilee for dedication (because Grandma Scull had been attending “Multiply Conference” on October 20).
Other forerunners in the “Circle of Life” rest in the plot behind the church under stones reading “UHLAND,” “SHEPPARD,” “SCULL,” “DICKINSON,” “DAVIS,” and “BOND.” (“CHRONIGER” can wait!)
As I left the sanctuary on both occasions, I saw evidence that we are EXPECTING the “Circle of Life” to continue in the coming months as God sends even more New Life to His families!