Mar 20, 2019
By Cheri Appel
Struggling to put a small necklace ring through a jeweled heart, I realized it was not going to work. “If only I could get the ring to go deeper into the heart,” I mumbled to myself.
“Yes,” suddenly the voice of Almighty God spoke, “We need to get deeper into their hearts.”
It seemed as though I had been immediately transported to a time, long ago in order to eavesdrop on the following conversation:
God continued, “We need to get deeper into their hearts.” Speaking as Creator, He said, “These people—We gave them a free will, and I wouldn’t do it any other way—but most of them just don’t let Us deep into their hearts.”
“Yeah,” Jesus the Son agreed. “Deep enough to stick. Deep enough to stay. Deep enough to…”
“…allow Me to flow deeply into every part of their being,” the Holy Spirit intuitively finished Jesus’ sentence.
“It’s going to take a sacrifice,” our God Jehovah quietly stated. “Not just any sacrifice —a sacrifice of deep spiritual, physical, mental and emotional measure. It must go deeply into the heart, be deeply moving, and be deeply life changing.”
“Blessed be the martyrs of old, who gave deeply—everything they had. And those who will sacrifice for Us in the future!” proclaimed Jesus the Son of Man.
“Yes!” God beamed in all His glory. “We love them dearly for giving their lives in Our name. They will always and forever have honored dwellings in Our Heaven.
It is appropriate,” He concurred from His mercy seat. “Those who have dedicated their lives to Us deserve Our mercy, even though they, too, had sin in their lives,” He concluded in Judgment.
“I know,” the Holy Ghost reminded them all. “I had to speak to their respective consciences on those occasions, so they would repent.”
“Mmmhmm,” Jesus the Word mused. “Humans are sinful, that’s for sure. ‘Course ever since the fall of Adam, whom We spoke into existence, they’ve been born that way.”
“And that is why We planned this sacrifice from the beginning!” God thundered in His omnipresence. “The time has come to get deeper into the human heart. This generation of sinful humans requires a sacrifice that is outstanding, drastic, and miraculous! It will transcend the test of man’s time. It will deeply affect and be deeply embedded in the heart, changing the history of the world. “
“Yes!” Jesus the Lamb of God observed. “The ultimate sacrifice of God in human form, without sin.”
The Holy Spirit (interpreting the Bible) agreed. “It will be the One Who is so deep into Our word, that it is His whole being.”
“The One,” began God, the Alpha, “Who knows and understands the purpose of Our whole story, from beginning to end,” God, the Omega, concluded.
“Someone Who so loves the entire world’s people that He is willing to die for them, once and for all. He will take on the wrath of God, paying for ALL their sins with His blood!” Jesus the Messiah cried out.
God the Father continued prophesying: “It will be a tortuous, drawn out, horrifying, unjust death. Satan will work to make sure the leaders tell lies, the people are confused, and even those who love the sacrificial Lamb will turn away and betray Him.”
“Satan will want to be assured that it is a REAL death. Three days in the grave minimum.” God glowered in His omnipotence.
“Yes, but Satan doesn’t know all things like We do, now does he?” the omniscient facets of God glimmered.
“No he doesn’t!” the Holy Spirit’s breath of life cheered. “I can’t wait to see him shake and watch his demons quake when We raise You from death back to life! Jesus the Christ is victorious over sin and death!”
“Forgiveness through belief in the Son of God will reign!” proclaimed Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
“Yet, it will take faith, deep faith, to believe, especially for those who don’t see these events with their own eyes,” the indwelling Holy Spirit moved.
“The stories of My people in the past and My people in the future may differ in the details, but the access method to salvation remains the same,” spoke God, the unchanging I AM. “Deep faith, in Who We are, accompanied by deep commitment.”
At that, Jesus, Savior of the world, stood and vowed, “Knowing the outcome, the gift of mercy, the victory over death, the opportunity for millions of Our beloved to join Us in Heaven for their eternal lives, makes Me willing to give that deeply and be that sacrifice for all mankind!”
“Remember, as always, We are IN this together!” agreed the Trinity. Rising as Three in One, their voices thundered through the heavens, “We are in deep so that We may be deep in their hearts!