Mar 20, 2019
By Pastor Scott Hausrath
North Loup SDB Church, NE
Is a part of your life feeling stark, or cold, or even dead?
Perhaps your marriage, though it began on a warm spring day, is now feeling the bitter chill of winter. Perhaps your job is no longer the source of excitement and joy that it used to be. Maybe even your relationship with God lacks the fire that it used to have.
In 1 Corinthians 15 Paul talks about resurrection. He says that bodily resurrection happens in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye (1 Corinthians 15:51-52). In contrast, the resurrection of our marriage, our job, etc. is more likely to happen over time, through a series of actions. And guess what—we are responsible for the first of these actions.
Proverbs 16:3 identifies this first step in the process of resurrection: “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” Before you do anything to resurrect your marriage, etc., commit that part of your life to God. Sounds good, Pastor Scott, but what does this actually mean? The surrounding verses give us an idea. Verse 2 tells us to check our motives. Why do we want a resurrection in this area of our life? Verse 4 reminds us that God has His own purposes for every part of our life. Are we willing to accept, even embrace, God’s purpose for our marriage, our job, etc., instead of our purpose?
The first step in bringing about resurrection is to let go of our expectations. This is what it means to commit to the Lord whatever we do. When we accept His purpose for this area of our life, we automatically succeed, because God will bring about His purpose. Allow Him to bring that resurrection in His way, in His time. He will do it, one step at a time, in partnership with you. He wants you to be intimately involved in the process.
Please let me know if you’d like to talk more about this, or if you’d like to get together and pray about a situation in your life. I would be honored to take that first step with you.
I’m praying for all of us.
God bless,
Your traveling companion on the journey together,
Pastor Scott