Mar 20, 2019
By Jane Mackintosh
Conference President
I believe we all can clearly see the swift decline of our culture that has taken place over a very few years. My experiences working with young adults has helped to shape my view of the need for prayer. Listening to our young people share about what they are up against on the college campuses and in the workplace has convinced me that we are sending them into a very pagan and dangerous culture.
One thing that has become clear is that the old model of my growing-up years that encouraged us to bring our friends to church where they would hear the Gospel is a defunct model in today’s culture. I suspect that our model for church must be a training ground to send our people out into the workplaces, the gyms, the schools, the restaurants, wherever people are that we encounter on a daily basis, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. We need to be pastors in our corporations, our dorms, our schools, our homes—and our churches need to be training us to disciple the people with whom we come in contact. This may mean becoming foster parents or adoptive parents; it may mean organizing and leading Bible studies during lunch hour at work; it may mean helping our children recognize the neediest, friendless kids on the playground, and risking their own status in popularity, by befriending them and inviting them for playdates; etc.
I believe this is the new reality of what our young adults are facing. We can be assured that they are up against a culture that is frequently hostile to any parameters that are not “inclusive” of all beliefs being equal. The only way the Gospel can penetrate the walls of “inclusiveness” is by supernatural means. Jesus was “inclusive” of all sinners, but clearly was very “narrow-minded” by today’s standards with His insistence that “no man comes to the Father but by Me.” I am convinced that the only way anyone can stand against this is through the daily putting on of the armor of God for defense, and picking up our two offensive weapons: the Sword of the Spirit and prayer. (Ephesians 6:10-18) We are NOT fighting against flesh and blood.
When we were going through the spiritual war for our son, Timothy, I watched God assemble a team of warriors to stand with us in prayer. The only way this team was assembled was by us paying attention and recognizing God’s choices for this team for us. Each was highlighted in a unique way—the only way I can describe how we and they knew. Before I set out on this journey as President of our Conference, I knew to immediately look for my prayer team. God made it clear and has continued to highlight individuals called to pray for me, my family, and all of you. This is what I want to unveil at Conference 2019 for our young adults. There will be different testimonies throughout each day by young adults sharing what God is doing in their lives and where they believe He is going with them. All of the rest of us, young and old, will be encouraged to listen and trust God to highlight in you which of these you are called to pray for, mentor, support in any way you can. You will be encouraged to join a prayer team for the one or ones God nudges you toward. Yes, this is a leap of faith, but after all, isn’t that what we are about?